chapter thirty-nine

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*1 week time hop*


"i really don't want you wearing that," ethan pleads


"they're going to look at you."


"i just don't want you to be uncomfortable. its a frat party, riley."

"how are we even getting in?" i ask, trying to change the subject.

"i know a guy in it. he invited me. but seriously, clothes please."

"ethan," i roll my eyes, "i should be able to wear what i want."

he looks at me up and down in my too short high waisted shorts, and cropped tank top.


"wow you're possessive," i say, annoyed.


"same thing. also, i'm not changing."

"all of our fights start before a party," ethan sighs and throws his head back, "please just put on a jacket."

"i'm an adult and can fend for myself. i don't need you telling me what i can and can't wear."

"you're not an adult! you're practically a child!" he throws his hands up in frustration.

anger flashes through my eyes and he backs down.

"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said that."

"correct." i say evenly, "and just because you're about out of your teens doesn't mean i'm not an adult too."

"oh my god!" he groans, leaning against the door, "i hate this."

"well that makes two of us!" i spew in a sickly sweet sarcastic tone.

"fine. you're an adult. happy?"


"okay so now can you put on a jacket?"

"ethan," i sigh, "if i put on a jacket, will it make you happy?"

"yes," he says, his voice filled with hope.

"i guess we're all going to have to deal with disappointment then."

"f*ck you." he rolls his eyes, "i hate how stubborn you are."

"we're both stubborn, e."

"i'm getting wyatt's opinion." ethan says and pulls out his phone.

"not fair! he has a bias."

"too bad," he mouths as the phone rings

wyatt shows up to my door a few minutes later, caution present on his face.

"should she change?" ethan says loudly and points at me

"or should i be able to make my own decisions and wear what i want?"

"don't drag me into this!" wyatt exclaims, putting up his hands.

"fine," ethan rolls his eyes, "wear the outfit and don't come crying to me when guys have their hands all over you."



i stuff my hands in my pockets, frustrated.

i hate how she's right.

she should be able to wear what she wants without me getting jealous.

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