chapter five

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ethan stayed for a little while. we finished eating and talked about our lives and high school. nothing too personal.

he's actually a really cool guy. i didn't expect it from him, but he somehow usually always surprises me.

he left when elanor came back- which almost makes me think he doesn't like elanor.

"girl," elanor whispers with a smile as soon as the door shuts behind ethan, "he's cute."

"hm?" i ask

"can you please set me up with him? you talk to him a lot more than i do." she pleads and her eyes are wide.

"i dont know..." i say, feeling oddly defensive of ethan.

"unless you like him?" she narrows her eyes, trying to see right through me.

"no!" i say quickly, "i- i can put in a good word for you, i guess."

"really?!" she shouts, "thank you!"

"yeah," i respond weakly.

i check the time and swear under my breath.

"i gotta go," i rush out, grabbing my backpack, "i'm late."

"bye!" elanor yells as i run out the door.

my ethics class thankfully isn't too far away from my dorm.

i spot my brother coming back from his class and high five him as i speed down the hallway and out the dorm building door.

i make it to my lecture hall with exactly 30 seconds to spare.

an old lady is sitting behind a big desk in the front, stone faced and tight lipped.

i throw my stuff on the nearest seat i can find and sit down to take a breather.

"hey," a voice startles me.

i look to my left- sitting right next to me is a blonde haired blue eyed guy.

"hey," i smile, "sorry i threw my stuff down. i was running late."

"it's fine," he smiles, "i'm leo."

"nice to meet you, leo. i'm riley."

we get shushed by a loud bang on the professors desk.

"i am professor williams. you will only call me professor williams." the old lady stands up and her eyes fart around the room.

"you," she looks directly at me. my blood turns to ice. "were late."

"i'm sorry-"

"actually, professor williams, she was 27 seconds early." leo cuts in

i look over at him with wide eyes and mouth for him to stop.

"i suggest you be here on time if you want to pass this course, miss?"

"riley." i answer

"what's your last name, miss riley?"


"are you italian?" she asks, her eyes getting wide

"yes, professor williams."

"i would get into a long talk about my years abroad in italy, but i'm afraid we don't have the time for that." she smiles slightly.

my nervousness washes away with her smile and i'm relieved she likes italians.

"scoreee," leo leans over and whispers.

i giggle quietly.

we look off each other's notes the entire class period and quietly snicker at the people who's heads are dropping and snoring.

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