chapter forty-six

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i anxiously wait for riley to get back from her appointment, pacing the floor of my dorm.

"can you just chill? you're stressing me out." aiden groans as he shuts off his game.

"sorry." i apologize and run a hand through my hair, flopping it onto my forehead.

"what's even wrong?"

"nothing," i breathe out, "i'm fine."

"whatever bro."

i glance at the time and see that there's still 16 minutes until she should be back.

i speed-walk to wyatt's dorm and knock on the door loudly.

he answers it immediately, seeming to be doing that same thing as me.

"come in," he ushers, "i'm glad i'm not the only one."

"i hope she'll go back for a few sessions." i say, plopping on his futon.

"you've been with her more this week... so how bad is it?"

"it's..." i struggle to find the words, "pretty bad. but it could be worse."

"she's going to be fine by wednesday. i can just tell."

"how?" i ask

"because she's riley."

he has a point.

"i'm hoping she takes her time." i simply say.

we wait in silence for the next 13 minutes, checking our phones just for something to do.

then, i get a text.

riley : omw up

me: how'd it go

riley : ill tell you later

that's never good.

i get wyatt to follow me back to her dorm, and i unlock it using the spare key she gave me.

inside, i see her dad asleep in her desk chair. the sight almost makes me laugh.

he jumps and looks around the room, disoriented.

"wyatt, ethan," he yawns, stretching back.

"you didn't go, dad?" wyatt asks

"riley didn't want me to," he grumbles, "something about uncomfortable topics."

i shoot a glance to wyatt and he lets out a small laugh and covers his mouth right away.

"something i don't know?" garrett asks between us.

"no," i say quickly, in a warning tone to wyatt, "everything is fine."

the only makes wyatt snort again and have to cover his mouth with his shirt. i slap the back of his head like grayson used to do with me.

"well dad," he laughs, "what do you think when you think of uncomfortable topics?"

now he's pushing it.

"just shut the f*ck up, okay?" i turn to him

"jeez i didn't know-"

wyatt's words are thankfully cut off by the door opening, revealing riley and linda.

riley seems fine. she doesn't have any distinct emotion in her face, and i can't tell if that's good or bad.

"hey," she nods her head up and throws her key lanyard on her bed and starts to climb it.

"so...?" wyatt prompts

"e, can you hand me a water from my fridge?" she asks, totally ignoring wyatt's question.

i jump at her request and quickly give the water to her outstretched hand.


she tries to twist the cap multiple times, and growls frustratedly when she can't get it.

i take it gently from her hands and uncap it for her.

"thanks again."

"so?" wyatt asks again

"it was fine," she says forcefully, raising her voice a little, "is that what you want me to say? that i didn't hate it?"

"are you going back?" i ask

"next saturday." she mumbles, taking a long sip of the water.

the rest of us look at each other and i give them a silent nod.

they all stand up together and walk out the door, leaving me with riley, alone.

"hi baby," i whisper softly, once i'm sure they're gone.

"please come sit by me,"

i climb up the short ladder to her bed and duck my head from the ceiling.

she lays down, so i lay next to her.

"tell me how it went for real, but only if you want." i prompt, twirling some strands of her hair.

"it wasn't bad," she sighs, "we just talked about you the whole time."


"yes you," she giggles quietly, "there will be different topics each time, i guess."

"i'm glad it worked out. see, i can be kind of smart when i want to be."

she laughs, "shocking."

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