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𝕯𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

After I dropped Emma off, I drove to Buck's silently. I didn't wanna wake the Curtis brothers so I decided not to head there. The radio played quietly, but I was too deep in thought to pay attention. I was thinking about Emma and her situation. I'd seen this happen once when I was fourteen back in New York. One of my buddy's had a breathing attack and ended up in the hospital. He looked about the same as Mike. He seemed okay and was able to talk and smile. Then out of the blue he just....died. I was worried that would happen to Mike and I solely hoped it didn't. Emma had enough on her plate already.

I got to Buck's and as a surprise, there was no party. I then remembered it was almost four in the morning. I stalked up to the spare bedroom and crashed on the bed. It took me awhile to fall asleep. Emma wouldn't leave my mind. It would break my heart to see her so devastated. Mike was the only person she had left in her family. The only person left who still cared about her. The only person left who loved her. Besides the gang. But Emma didn't see that yet. I was terrified if something happened to Mike, she'd fall into a bottomless pit of despair and depression.

𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁





My night was full of it. I tried thinking about the gang to help me feel better but every thought went to our evening at the hospital. Finally, after waking up multiple times throughout the night, I fell asleep for good.

I woke up to voices in my room. I kept my eyes shut listening to the voices carefully.

"Shh! Don't touch the bed, you'll wake her!"

I identified that voice as Soda.

"Don't yell or you'll wake her!"

I felt the movement of an arm swing in front of me. It smelled of oil and chocolate cake. I internally rolled my eyes. Steve.

"Quit talkin' with your hands Steve! You'll wake her with all your moving!"

"It's a bit too late, Two-bit." I began with one eye opening, starring at the three boys. "Y'all ain't as quiet as you think."

Soda sighed. He set down a paper bag.

"Sorry, Em." He said.

I sat up and shrugged. Soda and Steve were both in their DX shirts. Soda's had a white shirt underneath, and Steve didn't. Two-bit was wearing another Mickey shirt. I wondered how many that guy owned.

"What's in the bag?" I asked, stretching and yawning.

"We told Two this morning about last night. Then on the way to the DX, he decided to visit. Steve and I decided to get you a little treat, too." Soda said.

I opened the bag and pulled out a teddy bear with a heart sewed to it, a wrapped vanilla cupcake, and a get well letter for my grandpa. I smiled brightly.

"Awe, thanks you guys!" I said.

They smiled and all bear hugged me at the same time, squishing me completely.

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