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So I was on TikTok and saw one of those initials that need to be together videos and I saw S+T (Soda and Taylor) and P+E (Pony and Emma) and thought that was super cute! I also saw B+S which OBVIOUSLY means Bri and Soda duh (could also mean Brielle and a Soda from my other story but wHaTeVeR)

𝔈𝔪𝔪𝔞'𝔰 𝔓.𝔒.𝔙

My alarm went off and I groaned. I almost started crying from the amount of displeasure I had of going to school today. I took my covers off and got dressed. I figured out a way of dressing myself without having to call Pony in. Once I was finished getting dressed I put my curls in a bun because I was not having it today. I was literally wearing leggings and a hoodie with nothing underneath. Including a bra. I. Was. Done.

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth deciding I didn't want breakfast. I grabbed a converse and put it on the sat on the couch still half asleep.

Soda looked down at me and scoffed.

"What." I groaned.

"No makeup, no hair style, and no jeans." He said.

"I'm already ready for the day to be over." I said.

"Felt that on a spiritual level." He said.

He went into the kitchen and grabbed one of those big yeti cups and filled it with coffee and whipped cream. I scrunched my nose at the amount of sugar in one cup.

"Try not to puke on Steve today." I said.

"No promises." He said and walked out the door.

I forgot to ask him how his date went, but by the smile on his face I figured it went well. Ponyboy opened the door to let Peanut out and snorted at me.


"You look terrible."

"Gee thanks."

"Anytime." He sat down beside me. "Dally should be back on Friday."

"Thank God." I said.

"Do you need another day home?" Pony asked.

"No, I'll be okay." I said.

We went to school and I didn't bother talking to anybody. I shoved my head in my locker while Pony and Johnny talked. Morgan came by and asked me what happened to my ankle and Johnny explained the whole situation. I felt someone rubbing my back and I smiled slightly knowing it was Ponyboy.

Then Morgan did something that made my blood boil.

"Oh, gee whizz! My stomach hurts so much!" She said.

That little tramp thinks she can fake a stomach ache just to get attention from MY boyfriend?! I thought to myself.

The bell rang and I slammed my locker door shut and grabbed my backpack.

"Get a boyfriend, they comfort you." I said sarcastically and walked to my first class.

Morgan just stood there watching me go. Ponyboy caught up to me and breathed a laugh.

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