Home Sweet Home

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Oohhhh I've been WAITIN' for this one. Turn it up!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

𝔈𝔪𝔪𝔞'𝔰 𝔓.𝔒.𝔙

The past two days were jam packed busy with me trying to pack in time for us to move into the house. I woke up around five on Sunday morning. My sleep schedule was all messed up which was gonna bite me on the butt on Monday. I decided I might just skip. I went into the kitchen to get something to drink or eat that may make me wanna go back to bed.

Darry must've heard me because he came out of his room in his pajamas looking at me confused.

"Sorry," I whispered. "I was hungry." I said.

"It's fine. Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"My sleep schedule is all wonky."

"Been there. It's not fun."

"Yeah and I went to bed super early yesterday." I said, rubbing my face.

"Well, are you excited?" Darry asked me, grabbing two coffee mugs and pulling toward the new coffee machine.

"I mean yeah, but also, no? I don't know."

"Well why not?"

"Okay so, don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to live in my own house again and be officially a part of the family and gang and all that, but Pony was saying the other day how me leaving could like affect everyone and at first, I thought it was silly. I'll be right down the block. But then as the days got closer, I realized, what if something happened and I wasn't here? Or something happened to me and you guys weren't there. It's just, these past few months have already been kinda iffy even while staying with y'all, but they finally just got good. What if all that changes the second I walk through that door?"

"Well, did you ever stop and think, maybe now everything seems like it's getting good because things are changing? Janell had her baby, you have a house and a brother. I know it seems scary now but that's just your nerves. Everyone is like that. But believe me, I think you'll be happy as soon as you settle in. And as for us, nothing bad will happen to us. I mean, if it could, it would by now. I never lock that door."

I looked over towards the door and that's when I noticed Johnny asleep on the couch.

"Yeah, I guess your right." I said.

Darry smiled at me and handed me my cup of coffee.

"You should've been a therapist, not a roofer." I said.

Darry snorted. Please, I don't need to be caught up in other people's lives when I have my own to live." He said.

"You just got caught up in mine."

"Well aren't you a part of my life?" He counteracted.

"True." I smiled. "Thanks."

"Anytime, love."

We had our coffee and talked about life and the gang, basically being the only adults and enjoying our quiet time before the children wake up. He made breakfast and I helped so he could get ready for work. He wanted to work an extra day for a few extra hours. After he left I decided to get dressed. Soda, Johnny and Pony were still asleep so I closed my door that way I didn't wake anyone.

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