Track Tour

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Sorry this took so long to get out to y'all. Its been busy and recently I've been having trouble piecing everything together. I know how the future chapters are supposed to go, but I just don't know what goes in between, aha. I just wanna think all of this out as best I can. With this being my first piece of work to ever see the light of day, I want it to be PERFECT. Okay, enough of my ranting. Enjoy!

𝕵𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖑𝖑'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

I got home and sat on the couch. Donna and Chris were asleep. I wasn't tired yet. I had woken up in the middle of the night and told Sodapop I was gonna head home and sleep in my own room where I had everything I needed. I looked at the mail on the table and began going through it.

"Bills, bills, another bill..." I mumbled. I was about to get up to go to bed when an envelope on the corner of the table caught my eye.

It was addressed to me in sloppy hand writing. The envelope was clearly old. It had yellow liquid stains and one of the corners was crinkled. I leaned over my large belly and finally got hold of it. I ripped it open and read it.

Dear Janell,

You're five months along. I've been keeping track of your pregnancy since you told me. I know you'll hold me for child care and we both know I can't do that. As only an eighteen year old, I'm unable to find a job to support myself and our baby. Sure, you could blame this whole situation on me, but we both know you'll chicken out. You always do. You've let me control your life since we began dating. And you don't have to be my girlfriend for me to still get what I want. I always do. So here's the deal. Your parents told me you're with Donna in Tulsa. I'm coming there in two months. I want a thousand dollars from you. Figure out how to get it. You're going to give that to me so I can don't have to worry about bills for a while and I can get the hell out of California. The catch is, if you DON'T, I'll go to court and tell them you're ineligible to care for a child. Two months, baby, and I'll be expecting my pay. See ya soon.

Sincerely, your love, Ryan.

I froze. Court will never support me. I'm not even able to live on my own, let alone travel from California to Tulsa on my own. They'll see me as a juvenile delinquent and for sure take my baby away. I held the note in my hands, shaking.


I hardly slept after coming home from the Curtis house. I kept having nightmares of Ryan coming and taking my baby. I didn't want to tell Donna or Chris. Neither of them liked Ryan. When Donna and Chris still lived in California, when Ryan and I first started dating, I told them about one time where I thought Ryan was cheating on me. Chris almost beat the life out of him. God knows what he'd do this time. I put on a long sleeved shirt and yoga pants and went into the living room.

"Morning." Donna said.

I smiled and grabbed a juice from the fridge.

"You okay?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, just feeling a little sick." I replied.

"I have some of that stuff I made you the other day to help with nausea in the fridge." Donna said.

I shook my head. "No, I just need some fresh air." I said. "I called Dally. He'll be here in a few minutes."

Donna nodded and I walked outside then down the steps. It was a struggle and took me almost ten minutes to get all the way down. My ankles were killing me and I felt like dying. I missed being small and being able to run down a flight of stairs without a care in the world. I also missed my Harley.

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