Author's Note (IMPORTANT)

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Okay so, due to difficulties with plot lines and lack of time, etc., my original surprise has been canceled. I'm not gonna say what it was because I don't wanna disappointed and who knows, in the future I may end up doing something with it. But, since I wasn't able to do that, I've been thinking about other things I could do. My first initial thought was basically making a book ab me that I just randomly update with like events from my day, random thoughts I had, a picture I took, Idk kind of like a biography but that sounded lame and boring so I may not do that. I'll figure something out. Sorry about not being able to deliver what y'all were all really excited about 😔 however, on the bright side, if you're reading this, then it's safe to say the first chapter(s) of Newcomers pt.2 are published!! So at least you don't have to wait THAT long. Anyway, sorry again ab not being able to do what was planned. I hope you enjoyed these two little bonus chapters. I enjoyed writing them. Love y'all so so much and I'm so excited for the second book!! I will put it out there now, Emma and Pony, and well all of the gang, are older now soooo their relationships are obviously stronger and I guess? Idk, point is, there will probably be longer makeout scenes with a little more detail just to fit the moment and make it more realistic for their ages, but as I've stated before, smut makes me uncomfy so I won't write that. I do not like writing seggs. No ty. But yeah just wanted to put that out there. <3

I wanted to show you guys the pictures Alyssa and I used to associate with our characters. So basically how we imagined all of them. I don't have one for Evie but I have one for Emma, Janell, Taylor and Harley.

So we'll do Emma first.

You may or may not have seen this picture before

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You may or may not have seen this picture before. Idk. But I saw this while I was trying to show Alyssa how I imagine Emma and we decided it's perfect.

Janell's I'm not sure how we found but the SECOND I saw it I instantly said; "Yup. No questions asked, that's Janell." And Alyssa agreed.

We actually found this picture AFTER creating Janell so that's why it was such a good find

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We actually found this picture AFTER creating Janell so that's why it was such a good find.

Okay so Harley....we kind of wanted to make him look like what a basic girl would call "cute" just to emphasize how annoying he was LMFAO SORRY-

we kind of wanted to make him look like what a basic girl would call "cute" just to emphasize how annoying he was LMFAO SORRY-

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He's definitely not my type. And I know he looks nothing like Justin Bieber, but that's who he reminds me of 😳

TAYLOR!!! Omg she was my favorite to find. I was kind of looking for a similar look to Taylor Swift when she was still country.

I thought Soda needed a girl who was soft and kind of matched his small "southern" spirit I guess you could call it, which is why I imagined Taylor Swift

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I thought Soda needed a girl who was soft and kind of matched his small "southern" spirit I guess you could call it, which is why I imagined Taylor Swift. So immediately I was like "blonde curls." And then coincidentally I named her Taylor and I promise it had nothing to do with me thinking of Taylor Swift. I had actually thought of the name before creating the character's personality and appearance but I find all the details very fitting.

But anyway, that's pretty much how we imagined all the characters. Hopefully they're not too far off from how I described them. Personally I think they're spot on but we'll see. Anyway, off to the second book we go!!

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