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"I'm pregnant..." She whispered, pulling her knees to her chest and crying.

I just stood there, shocked. Pregnant? By who? For how long? Finally I snapped out of my trance and ran my hand through my hair and turning around to see if there was anybody near by. I turned back to her and dropped my arm to my side with a sigh.

"Well. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked.

Janell shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't want you guys to think I was this careless girl who came to Tulsa to run away from her problems and then drag you guys into them." She said.

"Well we would've found out eventually." I said.

"I know." She said with a shaky voice.

I squatted in front of her. "Well, why'd you leave California?" I asked.

She sighed. "My boyfriend and I had been dating for a few years. We started dating right as my friend I'm staying with, Donna, and her husband Chris eloped here. Anyway, he said he loved me and I loved him. I've always had a carefree personality and I'm usually down for anything. One night we decided not to use protection. We didn't want to go to the store to buy more because it would waste time and my parents would've been home soon. Worst mistake of my life." She explained.

I felt my heart pang as she took a deep breath to slow the tears.

She continued. "I found out about three weeks later, and the doctor told me I was a week along. I was scared but a little happy. I went straight to his house and told him the news. And then right then and there he broke up with me and slammed the door, leaving me on his front porch with the pregnancy test and papers from my doctors visit in my hands, my eyes swelling with tears. But, like I said, I've always been a carefree person so I decided, if he wasn't gonna support me, I wasn't gonna force him to. My parents and I combined could afford it on our owns. But then I told my parents and they kicked me out. So, I took my Harley and drove from California to here in the span of a week. Donna was expecting but she had a miscarriage, so she still had a lot of baby supplies and said I could stay with her for a few months or maybe even a year or two until I get back up on my feet."

All I could think to say was, "Well, I guess a bar was a pretty crappy place for our first date."

She breathed a laugh which made me feel better.

"Well, we gotta tell the gang. Otherwise if you show up one day with a baby bump they'll think its mine." I said and clenched my teeth.

"I don't know. Y'all have enough on your plate financially and with Emma and all that." She said. "You guys don't need to worry about me and my baby issues." Janell lowered her knees from her chest and wiped her face.

"Who's talking finances? You said you already have everything you need. And I don't see how this would affect Emma. Or any of us."

"Well I mean, I don't wanna ruin one of y'all's hang outs because I smelt something bad and start puking everywhere. Besides if stuff works out between us, I don't want to take you away from your friends. Especially Emma." She said.

"Look, I don't mean this in a rude way, but nothing is going to stop me from being around the boys and Emma. They need a good thrill with the fuzz every now and then." I said.

She smiled.

"So the gang isn't going to be upset?" She asked.

"I don't know how they'll feel. I know they really like you and you're not trying to cause problems so I'm sure they'll be understanding." I said.

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