Halloween pt. 2

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"DALLY!" I screamed, falling out of the grasp of the boys and to my knees.

Dally clutched his side and crumpled down to the ground.

"NO!" I yelled

I shoved past Two-Bit and Johnny. Soda tried to grab me but I dodged it. Janell stood beside Darry with her hands over her mouth, her eyes tearing up. I skidded to a halt and fell to my knees at his side. He was clutching his side just below his ribs. He breathed heavily and moaned in pain.

"No no no..." I whispered.

I tried to move his hands to see the wound but he flinched away.

I grabbed the hand on top of his other and clutched it firmly.

"Dally, it's gonna be okay. I promise. Just hang in there, please..." I said through sobs.

My vision got blurry from the tears and I could barely breathe. Pony was kneeling at my side within a few seconds, his hand on my shoulder. Janell was still in shock and Darry held her in case she fainted or something.

The cops ran up to us and Soda took off to get the ambulance.

"What in the world happened here?!" One of the cops yelled.

Then he looked at the ground at Dally and shook his head.

"Winston. Figures." He said.

"It has nothing to do with him, officer." Ponyboy said.

I had Dally's hand up to my mouth whispering "no" over and over again as I watched him cough and moan in pain. The blood began to soak through his shirt and stain his leather jacket. He moved his hand a bit and I let go so he could do whatever it was he was trying to do. He entwined his fingers in mine and looked up at me.

"It's gonna be okay, Emma." He said softly.

Soda came back with a whole ambulance truck behind him. Two paramedics wheeled a stretcher out and lifted Dally onto it. He hissed in pain and they apologized. They wheeled Dally over to Janell and he grabbed her hands and pulled them down from her mouth.

"Babe, calm down it's alright." He coughed.

"I think my water broke." She said.

The whole gang whipped their heads around to her and yelled what all at once.

"There's no way in hell your water broke." Soda said.

"I think it did." She said. Then she began sobbing.

"I'm gonna loose the baby and I could possibly loose you." She cried.

Dally just starred up at her in shock. Then next thing we knew she hollered in pain and slumped over.

"Okay someone get the pregnant lady in the ambulance and then get Winston in there as well. I want two people who know the two good enough to come with. The rest of you are staying here for questioning." The officer commanded.

They got Janell in the ambulance and pushed Dally up. I begged the officer to let me go with them but he wanted me here. I watched as Steve and Johnny got into the ambulance and the doors shut behind them. The fair grounds cleared out and Two-Bit offered to walk Taylor and Evie home. Both of them were still trying to process everything that happened. All that was left were me, Soda, Pony, and Darry.

I couldn't take all the yelling and sirens and knowing two of my best friends were in an ambulance about to suffer a loss and possibly a second loss depending on how serious Dally's injury was, and it was pretty serious. He could barely keep his eyes open. The cops began questioning everyone and I felt my vision slowly go to a haze and my ears began ringing. I shook my head saying "no this isn't happening" continuously.

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