Breaking Up

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𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

I stayed awake most of the night. I ended up throwing up a few times. It was embarrassing to have Ponyboy and Darry able to hear me. And Dallas, since he decided to stay over the rest of the night. Deep down I knew they were right. I just didn't want to admit it because for the short amount of time, it felt great. But as I thought about it, I've been more tired, more stressed, more upset, and come to think of it, I didn't even know if I liked Harley, or how I even felt about him.

I sat on my bed hugging my pillow starring at the floor. I had no clue what time it was. I was too deep in thought and regret to check the time.

I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said with a scratchy voice from all my crying and vomiting.

The door opened and Darry came inside. He closed the door and turned towards me. I couldn't look up at him. From fear or embarassment, I wasn't sure. He came to the edge of my bed and sat down.

"Do you know what time it is?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Almost four in the morning." He answered.

"I can't sleep." I said, wipping my eye.

He looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"I know. Its hard. You're going through a lot and he took that for granted to get you into the things he likes. He used you to look more popular because he was dating a really pretty and tough girl." Darry said.

I smiled a little.

"But," he continued "We did try to warn you."

"I know you did. I just thought I saw good in him. I guess he played us all." I said.

Darry nodded.

I took a deep breath before I asked something burning on my mind since earlier.

"Is Dally okay...?" I asked.

Darry looked towards my door. "He's sleeping right now, but after you told him to stop caring about you, he was definitely upset."

"How come?" I asked. I couldn't figure out why it affected him so much for me to tell him to stop acting like a brother. He wasn't even my brother so he shouldn't care about what I said.

Darry sighed and looked me in the eyes with sadness and compassion, and my heart stopped. He knew something I didn't.

"Dallas has never told this to anyone except me," Darry started, pausing for a second. "When he was three years old, his mom was pregnant with a baby girl. He was supposed to have a little sister, but his mom had a miscarriage. You're about the age she would've been today. Dallas has been loosing people he loved since he was three, and it tore him a part. Dallas may seem tough and cold, but he's broken and sad. He's only shared his feelings with me. He tells Johnny everything, but when it comes to stuff like this or about his family secrets, nobody knows except me, and now you."

My eyes watered.

"When Dally started getting close to you, he told me you're like the sister he could've had. He doesn't know his emotions well, but he does love you." Darry said. "When you told him to stop acting like a brother, he realized what he had been doing, and he realized he had mentally turned you into his sister, and it broke him."

I starred down at the pillow I was hugging.

"I had no idea..." I said.

"That's okay. He didn't expect you to." Darry said.

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