One on One Rumble

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𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

I woke up the next morning to the smell of cake and bacon. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was my first morning waking up peacefully without a hangover in a few weeks. It felt good. I brushed my hair and put on my slippers, making my way to the living room. I sat down on the couch while the gang talking in the kitchen. I flicked on the TV and heard someone shushing everyone. The boys walked in with items in their hands. Darry had a plate of eggs and bacon, Soda had a plate of chocolate cake, Two-bit was holding a glass of chocolate milk, and Ponyboy held a vase of red roses.

"Woah, what's the occasion?" I asked.

"Well, we know going through a breakup can be hard, so we decided to make you something nice to wake up to." Steve said.

He then handed me a box of tampons.

"Tampons...?" I asked in confusion.

Darry whipped his head around to Steve with a look of murder on his face and Two-bit tried so hard to hold in his laugh.

"What? Isn't this what girls ask for whenever they're experiencing emotions?" Steve asked cluelessly.

Darry put his hand to his head and sighed loudly while Pony shook his head. Two-bit by now was cackling.

"I'm kidding!" Steve said taking the tampons from me. "I know what they're for! Evie asked me to pick some up for her and figured I'd crack the joke. I'm not an idiot!" Steve said.

Soda smacked him upside the head. "Yeah you are, bozo." He said.

I laughed and shook my head. "Thank you guys." I said, taking the plates and drink from the boys. Pony put the roses in my room on the table beside my bed.

Steve left to go give Evie her tampons and the boys went back into the kitchen, except Ponyboy who sat on the couch beside me.

"So..." He started, looking down at his hands.

I looked over at him. We both felt awkward and there was a bit on tension.

"Wanna talk about things later at the lot or something." He asked.

I nodded and looked back at the TV. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." I said.

He nodded and left back to the kitchen. I was surprised Dally wasn't here. Surely he'd just ignore me but be here to hang out with the boys. Unless he was embarassed? Or just that upset? I decided not to worry about it. He'd come around eventually. I hope. Later that day after I got dressed and ready to start the day, Ponyboy and I took a walk down to the park. We found a bench and both sat down. We were quiet for a second and watched as a summer school class walked through, probably on a field trip. There were these two kids though who apparently really liked each other......

"Sally, I swear to God if you don't stop licking Bobby's shoulders! And Bobby! Quit. Instigating. Don't make me send the two of ya to principal Smith again!" The teacher yelled. She had a strong Jersey accent.

Pony and I both looked at each other disgusted and decided to move. We decided to just walk around instead of sit somewhere.

We walked for a little bit until Pony finally spoke up.

"Look, Emma. I really like you, but I shouldn't have kissed you yesterday. You're going through so much and just broke up with Harley."

I nodded. "Yeah, it is a bit soon. I need some time to think about myself and mend my relationship with Dally before I jump into another relationship." I said.

Ponyboy nodded. "And I completely understand. But just know I'll always be here for you, and I'll be waiting." He said.

I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you."

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