Dinner Date

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𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

I looked in my mirror as I put some light blush and highlight on my nose and cheeks. I applied smokey silver eye-shadow and soft pink lipstick. Then I took my waves of hair out of the bun and shook my head until my hair was how I liked it. I examined myself in the mirror. I was wearing my boots with a denim skirt and white long sleeved shirt which was a little on the tighter side. Once I was satisfied, I grabbed the guitar necklace and put it around my neck, tucking it under my shirt for safe keeping, and headed out my door.

Ponyboy was waiting on the couch.

"Ah, ready?" He asked.

"Yessir." I replied quickly.

"You look lovely." He said with wink.

"And you look rather dashing yourself, kind sir." I replied with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes and extended his arm. I locked mine in his and we headed out to whatever restaurant we were going to. As we walked we talked about random little nothings. Then Pony brought up one subject that hadn't crossed my mind in a while.

"You do realize we'll be going back to school in like two or three weeks, right?" He asked.

"Wow.... You're right. We got out in March... Its already September?!" I asked.

"Yup. We go back on the eighteenth. Today's the seventh." He said.

"Oh. The eighteenth...?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?" He replied.

"Well I just realized I never told you guys when my birthday was." I said.

"Is it the eighteenth?" Pony asked, shocked.


"Emma! You never tell me your birthday and when you do I only have eleven days to plan something AND its the exact day we go back to school?!" He yelled.

"Whoops." I shrugged.

He sighed and shook his head and we walked the rest of the few minutes in silence, both probably thinking about school.

I have to find all my old books and my backpack. And I'll have to quit my job at the DX. Which sucked because I loved working there with Soda and Steve. I felt like the three of us made a pretty good trio. I wished I could just drop out but the agreement was I work summers and still attend school or I get put in a girls home or with a different family member.

We got to the restaurant and took our seats. It wasn't too fancy but it was nice. It had a bit of a theme too but I was too busy thinking about school and Janell and all the stuff that was gonna be occupying my life soon.

The waiter came over to the table and I looked up at him as he began talking in an emotionless robotic tone.

"Good evening, my name is-"

"Dally?" Pony and I said at once.

Dally looked up from his paper and pen and sighed.

"Great." He said.

"Wait you work here? Also, what's wrong?" I asked.

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