Back to School

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, bright and early, at seven AM. I rolled out of bed, brushed my hair, got dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, and did my makeup. I laced up my converse and grabbed my backpack which was already ready to go for the first day of school. Sophomore year. It felt like I was in seventh grade just last year. I threw my backpack by the front door next to Pony's and went into the kitchen for breakfast.

Ponyboy was already sitting at the table eating his breakfast. I wasn't too excited for school, as nobody usually is, but it was something to do I supposed. Dally was getting my job at the DX until summer. I'll be taking it back then. Soda had his usual morning cup of coffee once he found the coffee maker stashed behind a bush. Darry and I got lectured, which quickly turned into Soda being lectured by Darry for lecturing him.

Ponyboy and I grabbed our backpacks after we finished eating and started our walk to school. The September air was crisp and chilly, reminding me that winter was just around the corner. I grabbed my jean jacket off the back of my book bag and put it on.

"Excited for school?" Pony asked.

"Yes and no. I'm excited to get out of the house and everything but I've always hated school." I answered.

"Well hopefully this year is good for you." He replied. I nodded.

We walked up to the school and were immediately greeted by the bustling of students and staff running around the campus. Off in the distance there were some Socs pushing a greaser around. It was funny, I was expecting Socs to be my biggest problem when I moved to Tulsa. It seemed like that's always what it was. But instead all of my problems have only been in my social circle.

We climbed the steps of the building and went inside to our lockers. Pony saw a few of his buddies so we decided to go talk to them after he got everything in his locker. It dawned on me that we'll most likely be seeing Two-Bit and Johnny. It was kind of weird to go to school with them since I'm so used to only seeing them at the house. Plus I didn't see them much at school regardless because they usually skip the last few days.

A felt a tap on my shoulder and looked at who it was. It was a blonde wearing a denim skirt and white blouse. Her hair was cut to a short bob and she had a lot of freckles.

"Uh, hi. My name is Morgan. I was wondering if you're Emma Jackson?" She asked.

She was a little shorter than me and a little bit plumper but not fat.

"Who's askin'?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just me." She answered.

"Yeah, I'm Emma. What's up?" I asked, sort of sketched out.

"I just wanted to say I admire you." Morgan said with a large smile.

"Okay.....? Thank you?" I slowly turned around and closed my locker.

"Sorry, that sounded real. What I meant was I admire you for sticking up to Harley." She added.

"I- uh... How'd you know about that?" I said, quickly turning back around.

"You're not Harley's first victim." Morgan said.

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