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I had a strong feeling something was up with Emma. She seemed upset more than usual, tired, sluggish, sick, and just not herself. I decided to stay up on the couch after everyone went to sleep, just in case she woke up again in the middle of the night. It had been really quiet though. Peanut sat curled up on the couch beside me. Which was another strange thing, Emma always slept with Peanut.

I eventually started to get tired so I sprawled out and closed my eyes. I layed there for about twenty minutes when I heard the front door open. I figured it was Johnny or Steve coming to take the couch so I turned on the light. But who I saw I could've sworn was in her bedroom.

Standing with her palms on the door was a girl with long red hair and a leather Beatles Jacket. What the hell was she doing outside dressed up and everything?!


She winced and looked at me, rubbing one of her arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Her face was pale as snow. I thought it was because I scared her, but instead she ran into the bathroom and began throwing up.

I ran in after her and quickly pulled back all of her hair. She smelt of alcohol and cigarettes. What was she doing? She threw up for five more minutes and I tied her hair back for her in a pretty crappy bun, but it didn't really matter how her hair looked.

Once she was finished, she sat for a second holding her head while I got her some water.

"Emma, what were you doing out? Its almost two in the morning and you smell and look terrible!" I said.

I could've swore she started to tear up...

"Look, Ponyboy. Its not really any of your business." She said, taking a sip of water.

"I'm worried about you, though." I said with a sigh.

She slumped her head back against the wall. I felt terrible looking at her. She was completely broken. And I knew exactly what she was up to and why, but I wanted her to admit it herself. To trust me. She may think the high is making her feel better, but its just ruining her as she gets addicted to the feeling. Which explains why she was so down the past few days and quiet.

Its exactly what happened to her parents, and I refused to let that happen.

I sighed and got up. "Let me get Darry." I said.

"No!" Emma shouted. She sat up and grabbed my hand. I looked down at her pleading, empty green eyes. All the brightness in them before was gone.

I turned back around and sat beside her.

"Look, Harley's been taking me out on date nights. We've been doing them at this time of night because you guys would never approve. But he's making me happy." She said.

"Emma, you don't even look happy. You're destroying yourself." I said.

"No I'm not. Tell you what, tomorrow night you can come with us, and I'll show you it isn't as bad as you think. But you have to promise not to tell Darry, or Dally, or anybody. Promise me?" She said.

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