New Years Eve

130 3 16


I'm aware that this is a huge time jump, lol but dw it's gonna be worth it, lmao.

𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

Things finally went back to normal after Dally dame come. He healed up well but he'll always have a scar. I got my boot off, of course but my ankle pops when I walk now. It doesn't hurt though. Christmas was super sweet and fun and I loved it. Tulsa apparently gets quite a bit of snow so we've been playing in that the past weeks. Janell is due January 3rd so she's fixing to pop any day now.

Dally's been super cautious and on edge. He has the hospital bag packed and it's been sitting in his trunk since the day after Christmas. He turned nineteen last month. Janell's been staying with us because Dally doesn't have a place and he doesn't want her walking down a ton of stairs when her water does break since it's already been hard enough doing so while being pregnant.

Apparently every year Darry takes the gang out to a field with his dad and they set up a big firework show for everyone. This year it's gonna be Soda and Darry, like last year. Soda said they're gonna go as big as they can because he's "extra".

I was taking an afternoon nap before we headed out to do the fireworks. I heard my door open and turned over so my back was facing it. I felt someone get into my bed and wrap their arms around me.

"Babe." Pony said. "Time to get up."

"Mmmm no." I yawned.

"Emma." He groaned.

"Ugh. Fine." I said.

I wiggled out of his grasp and sat up.

"What's everyone doing?" I asked.

"Well Evie and Taylor are here. Darry and Soda are loading the truck and everyone else is just chilling." Pony answered.

"I don't wanna get up." I said.

"I'm sure you don't." Pony laughed.

I smacked him softly with a pillow and got up. I went to my mirror to brush my hair. Pony came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. It gave me butterflies but I didn't show. I grabbed a mascara tube to fix my makeup so it didn't look runny but he took it from me.

"You don't need makeup. You're beautiful already."

"It's all runny." I said, taking back.

"We'll be in the dark."

"Fireworks light things up."

Pony turned my head and softly kissed me. I turned my whole body until I was fully in his grasp, setting the mascara tube down so I could wrap my arms around him. I had butterflies all through my stomach and felt safe. He pulled away and placed his forehead against mine.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you, too." I said. "But I'm still gonna fix my mascara." I said.

He breathed a laugh and lifted my chin to kiss my again real quick. "Just be quick, we're getting ready to leave."

"I will." I smiled.

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