Date Night

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I heard a knock on my window and immediately sat straight up. I knocked back to let Harley know I was up and getting dressed. I threw on my jeans and shirt and grabbed my leather jacket this time. I was very excited for tonight. I put my blade in my pocket and crawled out the window. Harley helped me out by holding my waist as I climbed out.

"So what's the plan tonight?" I asked.

"Well, instead of going to the apartment, I figured we could go down to a beer blast." He said.

"A beer blast? Ain't those usually thrown by Socs." I asked.

"Usually but this one ain't. I know the guys. And it's not JUST a beer blast, there's other......stuff."

I widened my eyes. Other stuff? Like what? We walked silently until we came to a lake where there were tons of trucks, thunder birds, and a few stingrays and mustangs, but Harley assured me they weren't Socs. There was music playing and the smell of alcohol and something else blew through the air. I immediately smiled, excited for the feeling of being happy again. Not that I wasn't happy with the gang and them so generously taking me in, but I was beyond stressed and this definitely helped. Plus, I knew the gang wasn't too thrilled about mine and Harley's relationship, but it was my choice, and I'm my own person and can make my own decisions.

Harley found a group of friends and introduced me to them. I recognized Max and Bryan, who were growing on me. They had two greaser girls with them who I ended up talking to. Their names were Lola and Sofia. I wasn't super fond of them. They were annoying and chewed them gum loudly, but I decided to be polite and act like I was interested in them. They did ask a lot of questions though about mine and Harley's relationship, which was still kind of new so nothing too crazy happened yet.

A little into the night after a few beers, I felt real good and loosened up, and Harley approached me.He handed me something. It was small. I looked down at it and my heart went to my throat. I recognized it immediately from back in Talladega when my parents got into grass real bad. I wanted to refuse so badly but I trusted him with the beers and the cigarettes so why was this any different? I took a few hits and immediately felt mellow and everything was hazy. I was beginning to understand my parents lifestyle.

It made them feel free and relieved of stress. This whole time was I misunderstanding my parents? Could I have actually had a good relationship with them before they died? Was my distant relationship with them my fault, and not theirs? After a lot more hits on the grass, I was definitely feeling some sort of sensation. I was assuming this is what it was like to be high. I hoped it wouldn't end up causing me to have to vomit again. I didn't need Ponyboy getting too concerned, although he could learn to kind his own business.

By the end of the night I was feeling so bubbly and laughing randomly out of no where as Harley walked me home. I wondered why he was never affected by anything. I guess I was to high or drunk to notice. When we arrived at the Curtis house, before I went in, Harley and I had a small make out session, but I'll spare the details.

I barely made it through my window without falling flat on the floor. I had some pretty odd dreams that night, but I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not.

By the next morning, I looked in the mirror and my eyes were blood shot. Great. How was I gonna maneuver my way around this one. Not only were my eyes as red as watermelon, but my skin was pale, and my hair was a wreck. My clothes still smelt like grass so I changed, brushed my hair, tried to cover up the paleness with some makeup, and sprayed some perfume just in case.

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