Finally free

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I said, banging my head against the wall with each word. I decided to stop doing that because I figured I'd just make the concussion worse and have to stay longer. I was getting tired of hospital food and this stupid hospital bed and beeping noise and I'd only been here for two days! I was finally getting out tomorrow though.

Ponyboy and I had been planning what we were going to do about Harley. I loved whenever the gang visited. Two-Bit came by the other day and bought three different Mickey Mouse comic books for me. He bought two about Donald Duck and one about Scrooge McDuck, the nephews, and Donald. Coincidentally, Donald was mine and Dally's favorite Mickey Mouse character so we enjoyed reading those together. And by that I mean me struggling for twenty minutes to get him to actually listen to me, and then he'd get side tracked and start rambling about how evil the nephews are and that he admired that, and it all eventually resulted in me giving up and reading them silently.

Janell came by a few more times. The gang was really starting to like her and I could tell she was warming up to us. I knew Dally especially liked her. I was a little worried though because I know Dally, and his stories about Sylvia, and every other girl he'd picked up. Non of his relationships lasted that well. I hoped that wouldn't happen between him and Janell because we all really liked her.

I was just about to scream when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

Ponyboy came in with a candy bar and plastic bag.

"Oooh." I said.

He laughed.

"How're you feeling?" He asked.

"Bored out of my MIND!" I said.

"Don't worry, you'll be out tomorrow." He said.

"What's in the bag?" I asked curiously.

"Clothes. Figured you were tired of the gown." He said.

"Oh you have no idea." I replied.

I took the clothes and grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt. There was a little bathroom inside my room so I went inside and changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, then sat back down on my hospital bed.

"So I was thinking more about the Harley situation." Ponyboy said.

"Me too." I said, crawling back to where my pillow was.

"I think we should just ignore him. He'll eventually get bored of it since we're not acknowledging him and he's not getting a rise out of us. If he doesn't stop, and keeps attempting to harass you and get you to go with him, call the cops. They probably know who his dad is, so they won't hesitate to believe you." Ponyboy said.

I nodded. "Yeah that was kind of along the lines of what I was thinking." I said. "I just wanna go home."

"One more day and then you can." Ponyboy said.

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