Boy or girl?

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𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

A few months have gone by. Janell is now in her second trimester at 23 weeks. She and Dally were still going strong, too. I could tell he really liked her. They've been dating for five months now. The gang was kind of awkward at first when we found out about Janell's pregnancy. They understood the basics, of course. Mood swings, cravings, morning sickness, and so on. However, anytime Janell and I got deep into pregnancy talk the boys looked like a class of second graders trying to learn square root. She was showing now. The baby bump was still small but it was definitely noticeable. 

Janell went for her check up today. She said today she was going to be able to find out the gender. Of course, seconds after she walked out the door, the boys began betting.

"Its definitely going to be a boy." Steve said.

"How can ya tell?" Johnny said, sitting on the arm of the couch smoking a cigarette. 

"Because. I just can. I predicted Two's mom was gonna have a girl." He said.

"Yeah, that was eleven years ago and because you saw the envelope before she told us." Two-Bit said.

"Don't matter." Steve said.

"Well, I think its a girl." Ponyboy said.

"How come?" Johnny asked again. He was definitely getting into the bet so he knew which side to be on.

"Because my mom had all boys and she had the same experience each time. We were more active and kicked a lot and made her sick a lot. Two-Bit's mom was the same way she said. But I remember when she was pregnant again, her pregnancy wasn't anything like it was the first time. It was more calm and she wasn't as sick. Just like Janell." Ponyboy explained.

Sodapop slammed his money on the table in front of Steve. "I think Steve is right. Not because he's 'magical', but because I want it to be a boy. It'll be interesting." He said.

"This is the most confusing bet I've ever seen." I said. 

Johnny was about to put his money in front of Ponyboy before Dally spoke up. 

"I think its twins." He said.

We all looked at him surprised. 

Johnny shoved his money back into his pockets and sighed. "Why?" He asked.

"Because she's soooo needy and always hungry. She eats more than what seems for just two. I think she's eating for three." He said.

"Dal', Janell has always been a big eater since we met her. Plus maybe the baby's father was like that, too. A big eater. I doubt she's having twins. She's too small." I said.

Johnny took a few seconds to decide who he was going with. He finally put his money in front of Ponyboy. Two-Bit and Darry put theirs with Dally. I decided Pony's made the most sense. After and hour of waiting, Dally got anxious. He didn't like being away from Janell for too long as her pregnancy went on. I thought it was cute how clingy he got. He constantly asked her how she was feeling, if she needed anything, etc. But every time she called him out for being all gentle and fretful he'd turn all mister tough guy and pretend he was just "curious."

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