Moving In

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We pulled up to the Curtis house within about fifteen minutes. Dally got out of the car to open the gate. He then got back inside and pulled up right to the porch. The screen door opened and Darry came outside, Ponyboy in tow. I got out of the car and approached them slowly. They had looks of sorrow on their faces and were really quiet.

Pony hugged me and I felt tears begin to surface. I hugged him back. We stayed like that for a few seconds, then he backed away. I stared at my shoes and tried holding back the tears. I felt Darry starring at me. He shuffled his feet and I looked up. He then engulfed me in a bear hug. I felt his muscles squeezing me, but not too hard. I finally let the tears fall and he rubbed my back. He had to lean down because of how short I was. I was amazed his hack wasn't killing him yet.

I finally steadied my crying and whispered to him.

"Thank you. For everything. And for allowing me to stay here." I said.

"Of course. You're not just any teenager crashing in my house. This is a different situation. Any time, Emma. We love you." He said back softly.

"I love y'all, too." I said it so softly I barely heard myself.

Darry released me from the hug and I wiped my eyes. It was silent for a few seconds until Harley popped the trunk. Darry looked over at him coldly with a stony expression. Ponyboy looked at Darry then Harley blankly. I could feel the tension between the three of them. And Dally. I cleared my throat and grabbed a suitcase.

"Ponyboy, show Emma where she'll be while we grab some stuff." Darry said.

Pony led me into the house. I had to pick up the suitcase when climbing the porch steps. Pony led me towards the bathroom where on either side was a bedroom. One bedroom had the door open and it seemed like it was occupied. The one with the closed door was the one Ponyboy turned to.

"So if you have a spare room, how come you and Soda share a room?" I asked.

"Well, technically we have two spare rooms. Our parents' room, which is untouched unless absolutely needed, and this room, Soda's old room." Pony started. "We share a room because after my parents died, I started having nightmares real bad, so Soda decided to sleep with me. Upon doing that the nightmares stopped. I barely have them anymore."

I nodded. "Where is Soda?"

"He's working another early shift at the DX. Steve too. They wanted to get extra hours so they could leave early and head here."

Pony opened the door to the room. It was small, but not too small. Cozy. I rolled the suitcase in and sat it along the bed. Dally came in with another case and my duffel bag. He lined the case beside the other one and I told him to throw the bag on my bed. Darry and Harley came in after each with two more cases. They said that was all.

"Darry, I have a dog named Peanut, and I can't really leave him. He's old and nobody good would take him..."

"Say no more." Darry said lifting a hand. "He's welcome. He housed trained?"

"Oh, of course! He's used to being on furniture though, so if that's a problem, we can fix that. Plus there's also the fenced in yard." I said.

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