Author's Note

120 3 6

Hey guys. So, I'm a bit of a RoMaNtIc. Anyway, I was wondering how some of y'all would feel about me writing intimate scenes? Not like smut or anything because smut disgusts me and makes me feel uncomfortable. But, as I've heard others refer to its, lemons/limes. Pony and Emma might just be little make out sessions. Dally and Janell could possibly involve tHiGh GrAbBiNg and other sTuFf because. C'mon. Its Dally. But I would never go further than someone probably removing their shirt. I just wanna know how y'all feel about that. I've kind of wanted to, and I did write one once, but I get like sEcOnD hAnD eMbArRaSsMeNt because I think y'all think its gRoSs...... Wow I type way too damn much..... LONG STORY SHORT, thoughts on writing lemons or limes?

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