Author's Note

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Okay guys soooooo I'm thinking about getting back into writing again and updating the story. I know it's been a while but I just really needed a break. I know I'm not this big hot shot so I'm not expecting y'all to get all excited and this isn't meant for attention. Just to apologize for making you (if people are even reading this still because it's been forever) wait so long for an update. But I hope y'all are doing well, I'm doing a little better. Update me on y'all's lives in the comments if you'd like, it would be cool to see what some of y'all have been up to. I was in a real bad mindset so I started watching Stranger Things as a distraction from my brain and ended up loving it and I was expecting it to be something I couldn't get into. Once I finished it, I got kinda sad because it was over and it made me so happy so I decided to read about the actors and omfg let me tell you. Millie Bobby Brown and Noah Schnapp are my everything. Then two plus Rob is literally my will to live. Noah is such a great guy and so kind and just an amazing person. I'm convinced God dropped an angel on Earth and was curious to see how it went and thus Noah was born. I also may or may not have a huge crush. Not a celeb crush, and ACTUAL crush. Which isn't exactly the best because it kinda breaks my heart everyday but whatever. And MILLIE!!! Don't even get me started!! She's literally my inspiration and I look up to her so much. I was looking through her photoshoots and I always wanted to be involved in that kind of stuff so I said hey, why not be a model? But then I was convinced I'd never make it in that industry but Millie has really been inspiring me to push forward. I love her so much and she's so so kind. Another angel God accidentally placed on Earth, lol. Anyway, of me babbling about people who don't know I exist. Little update on me, I'm doing a lot better mentally than I was a month or two ago, I got my nose pierced (FINALLY!!! If y'all wanna see it I will put it in the next chapter. It can also be considered a face reveal as well, if y'all want. Lmk by writing a comment). I also officially started Therapy, which is the first step into getting into modeling and being able to be confident in myself, so that's exciting. Okay that's enough this A/N is already over four hundred words long. Love y'all so so much and hopefully I'll have the next chapter out soon!! ♡︎
~Bri 💞

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