Soda's Date

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I woke up sore and I'm pretty sure with a cold. But of course, I'm not gonna say anything. I had the bed all to myself so I sprawled myself out and buried my head under the pillows. It was freezing and my nose was stuffed. The boot was being incredibly annoying and made it almost impossible to sleep. I cleaned Dally's jacket and had it folded on my vanity with a basket of dirty laundry beside my bed. Darry let Pony and I stay home from school because we were both exhausted and beat down. I heard Two-Bit and Johnny in the living room as well so I figured Johnny was skipping school. I looked at the time. It was eight in the morning. Way too earlier but I forced myself out of bed.

I opened my door and made a beeline to the couch beside Pony.

"Did we wake you?" Two-Bit asked.

"Mmh." I mumbled.


"Mmh!" I mumbled more aggressively.

"Okay then."

Soda came into the living room and stood in front of everyone. I was lying in a ball with my head on Pony's lap half asleep.

"I have an announcement." Soda said.

"I have an idiot best friend." Steve said.

"Please hold all questions until the end of the presentation, mister Randle." Soda said in a firm, serious tone.

"'Please hold all questions until the end of the presentation, mister Randle.'" Two-Bit mocked in a high pitch voice, making Johnny, Steve and Pony laugh.

Soda crossed his arms.

"I don't know why I bother. You guys are bullies." Soda said. He turned his back to us and fake sobbed.

"How did I end up with such disgraceful, disrespect, ungrateful, meanie butt-faced friends." He cried.

"Sodapop! How dare you call me a butt face! We had an agreement!" Steve said.

"Well Steven, it doesn't seem you respect my wishes so why must I respect yours?!" Soda yelled, turning around.

Steve fake gasped and clutched his heart.

"That's it! We're breaking up! I want my purple teddy bear and Elvis CDs back!" Steve said.

Soda marched into his bedroom and made a ton of noise. He came back out with a cardboard box with a ton of Elvis records, a purple teddy bear, and a bunch of other random things.

"Fine! Now I want my butterfly thong and retainers!" Soda yelled back.

"Fine by me! I'll bring them next time I come over!" Steve yelled, snatching the box.

Soda looked down at the box and then fell to his knees, wailing.

"Oh Stevie! I want you back!" He cried, hugging Steve's legs.

"That's what I thought." Steve said, patting his head and handing him the purple teddy bear.

Then they looked at us and immediately got very embarrassed by our stares.

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