Janell's Secret

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We got off of work about and hour or two after Dally came by. When we got home, he made us wait until Darry came home. Janell was there and she seemed nervous and her and Dally whispered about things a lot. Soda or Steve wouldn't tell me what was going on. I watched Dally and Janell go outside on the back porch and wrinkled my brow, thinking about what they were talking about. Ponyboy removed his arm from behind me on the couch and looked at me.

"You okay?" He asked. I snapped out of my trance.

"What? Yeah. I'm fine." I said.

I got up and went into the kitchen, stepping over Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, and Soda playing Gin at the coffee table.  I opened the fridge and grabbed a jar of pickles then sat up on the counter as I started eating some. I watch Dally and Janell from out the window. She kept rubbing her stomach. I wondered if she was sick. Why did we have to wait for Darry for that? Its not a huge deal. Then I got worried. What if it was? What if she had cancer or something. The thought made me sick. I closed the pickles and shoved them to the side.

Ponyboy came in the kitchen and propped himself up beside me.

"You're not fine. Tell me what's wrong." He said.

I leaned over and thumped my head onto his shoulder.

"I don't know. Dally is just worrying me. What if there is something wrong with Janell? What if she's incredibly sick? Or has to leave? Or is in danger? I can't wait much longer to find out. And Soda and Steve aren't helping when they shoot each other worried glances." I said.

Pony looked at the time then grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Darry will be home any minute. I promise you though, nothing bad is going to happen. You deserve so much and you're going to get it." He said.

I looked up at him and smiled. I pecked his lips and rubbed my thumb over the top of his hand.

"Thank you." I said.

He smiled back at me. "Any time, princess." He said.

We went back into the living room. About ten minutes later, Darry finally came home. I couldn't take it much longer. Janell and Dally finally sat us all down after Darry was settled. Dally stepped to the side and looked at Janell. She took a deep breath and looked at us sincerely.

"Okay, so this will be hard to swallow, and I hope you guys will he excepting bit I understand if you want me gone." She started.

"Is everything okay?" Johnny asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. However, I am expecting." She said.

My eyes widened to the size of watermelons. The boys stared at her confused.

I sighed. "She's pregnant." I said.

They all looked at me then her. Two-Bit stood up.

"It was ONE night, Dally. ONE. NIGHT. How in the hell did you-" He was saying but Dally interrupted him.

"I told you they'd think its mine." He said with a scoff and eyeroll.

"The baby is not Dally's." Janell said.

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