Welcome Baby Girl

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I forgot to mention before, but Ryan was found and arrested so dw. No more of him.

𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

We called Donna and Chris as soon as we got to the hospital. They said they had a late night so they were gonna catch some winks then meet us here around four or five. The doctor said Janell would be pushing around seven or eight in the morning. I got about an hour or two of sleep. It was three in the morning and I woke up half an hour ago to Dally pacing again. He fell asleep in the arm chair which I was thankful for. He looked awful. I knew it wouldn't last for long so I enjoyed the silence while I had it.

"Can you believe he's gonna be a father?" A voice said.

I sat up slightly startled and looked at Pony who was starring at Dallas.

"Jesus...I didn't know you were awake." I said.

"Yeah, sorry." He said.

I turned over on my side and placed my head on his chest.

"Its funny. When I first moved here I took you guys as a gang of immature boys." I said.

Pony breathed a laugh. "We were." He said.

"'were'?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean who knows where we'd be now if we hadn't met you. You opened Johnny up, you keep Darry sane, you keep Dallas in line, Soda and Steve adore you, Two-Bit has someone who understands his jokes, Steve and Soda did but I guess its just different with you, and you showed me I'm not alone in the world." Pony said.

"I mean anybody could do that." I said.

"True. You were just the lucky chosen one."

"Maybe. Where do you think Dally would be today if he never met Janell. Or stayed with her?" I asked.

Pony was silent for a second before he answered.

"Alone." He said. "Sure, he would have had you, but its different when there's someone you'd be willing to take a bullet for any day. Which he'd do for any of us, of course....I'm not very good at explaining this." Pony said.

I chuckled. "Its fine. What if he never met me?"

Without hesitation, Pony said one word that sent a shiver down my spine.


"Why would you think that?" I asked.

"Johnny is the only one who can keep Dally on his feet. The rest of us love him and take care of him but Johnny is his ground. If Johnny hadn't met you either, he'd be gone by now. Dead, missing, ran away, God only knows. Point is, without Johnny, Dally would go insane and get himself killed. Or worse. Do it himself. You don't realize this, but you've done so much for us." Pony said.

I smiled a bit and kissed his cheek.

"Why don't we talk about something less depressing?" I asked.

"Okay....Do you want kids?" Pony asked.

The question caught me off guard.

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