Girls Night In

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Not my picture ^^
Also, so only one person commented on my authors note answering my question, and a few people did on Instagram. So, I will be writing lemons and limes and I will not be putting warnings before them. But like I said, it isn't gonna be anything nasty. Just intimate but no sex. Not that far. Anyway, enjoy the chapter <3

𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆'𝖘 𝕻.𝕺.𝖁

I felt guilty all morning. I couldn't stop thinking about how rude I was to Ponyboy yesterday. All he wanted to know was if I was okay and I snapped at him. Soda reassured me that Ponyboy wasn't upset. He said Pony usually gets over things quickly, and he told him last night he knew I was just having one of those days. He and Steve were in the garage working on Steve's car. Nobody had come into the DX yet so they had some spare time. I went to go check on it and see how it was coming along.

He put one a fresh coat of black paint and a bunch of fire stencils. It looked great so far. Soda was underneath the car working on the engine from underneath while Steve handed him tools.

"Hey, Em, glad you're here." Steve said. He shoved the giant stencils in my hand and a can of orange spray paint. "Would you like to do the honors?" he asked.

"Uh, sure." I said.

I got down on my knees and began spraying the flames onto the car. It was a hot day so I decided to wear shorts and the concrete was killing my knees. I took breaks in between to help customers and Steve was on gas duty while Soda was under the car. A car pulled up for some gas so Steve went to help. While he was gone, Soda slid out from underneath the car with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked.

His smirk grew wider.


"You know what." He said.

That cocky smile of his made my blood boil. "No, I don't, do tell." I said with my own sarcastic smile, leaning against the table with my arms crossed.

"Well, a little birdie, or, I guess pony told me that someone's in looooooovvvvvveeeeee!" Soda said, drawing out his words.

I blushed. "Oh, hush. So what?" I said.

"So what?! What do you mean 'so what?' YOU'RE IN LOVE!!"


"Well, y'know, first comes love, then comes marriage then comes a baby-"

"Yeah that's enough of that. Who knows where the future will bring." I said.

Soda chuckled.

"What now?" I asked.

"He talks about you so much. Ever since y'all met. Emma this, Emma that. Its cute." Soda said, sliding back under the car as Steve came back.

I felt myself get butterflies and smile thinking about Ponyboy caring for me that much. I'd never had anyone care for me in that kind of way before. I've had boyfriends before, but non of them ever felt like real relationships. Majority of it was just making out, and honestly, I didn't enjoy it. But when I kissed Pony, my heart would soar.

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