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Emma walked away from the lot before I could call after her. I knew she was ticked. I wasn't gonna follow her and just let her cool off, until I saw a few guys from Harley's gang disappear in the same direction as her.

"Ponyboy, you better head home before Darry skins me. Johnny you go with him. I'll be back. And this ain't over yet." I said pointing at Harley.

I then ran off after the group of boys, hoping I could catch up to them before they got to Emma. I wasn't gonna let something bad happen to her again. When I finally caught up, it was too late. I saw three guys surrounding Emma while she layed on the ground passed out. Then I saw two other guys fighting some blonde chick dressed in all leather.

"Hey! Get the hell away from Emma!" I yelled at the three guys.

I ran over and grabbed one guy by the shirt and punched him square in the nose. I wiped the blood off my knuckles onto my shirt. The other two started pounding me while the other kid held his nose.

I kneed one guy in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him so he fell to the ground and I kicked the other guy in the back and he fell to the ground.

Then I went to help the blonde. She was fighting off the two guys pretty good. She had a motorcycle helmet in one hand, and every couple swings she'd use it to smack one of them with. I grabbed one of the guys and threw him over my shoulder. She took her helmet and bashed the other guy in the head real hard. Finally the five of them took off.

I wiped some blood off my lip which got busted by one of the guys who was punching me. The blonde didn't seem touched, surprisingly. I ran over to Emma. She was bleeding from her temple and had a cut on her cheek. I cursed under my breath as I knelt down to get a better look. The blonde stood to the side of me.

"I tried helping but by the time I pulled up she was out cold." She said, throwing her helmet onto the bike seat.

"Its okay. Thanks." I said.

"No problem. What was all that about?" She asked.

"Long story. Just another night in Tulsa." I said.

I lifted Emma up gently. Her he'd slumped over my arm. A few strands of her hair stuck to her face, dried there from the blood.

"I can't believe they'd do that to her." The blonde chick said.

"You must be new 'round here. Don't worry. They'll learn their lessons once ol' Dallas Winston gets hold of em'. They should know better, too. He's got quiet the reputation." I said, snickering a little.

"Really? Who's that." She asked.

I grinned wolfishly. "Me." I said.

The girl nodded.

"Well thanks for helping. I'm gonna take her to the hospital." I said.

"I'm coming. I wanna make sure she's okay." The girl said.

I shrugged. We walked all the way to the hospital. The blonde walked her bike, which I figured was pretty annoying but she insisted. It was a nice bike. A Harley Davidson. It was painted in a slightly old coat of black with a skull decal right on the front. I studied the blonde a bit more. She had dark roots and her hair was wavy and wild. It ended right at her mid back but flew all over the place. She had dark blue eyes that seemed cold, yet adventurous.

She wore black boots kinda like Emma's. They went up to her knees. She was wearing black jeans, a black leather jacket, and black shirt. She definitely appeared tuff. And she looked tuff while fighting, too.

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