Taking A Break

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I woke up on the couch with my head on Pony's shoulder and Soda using our laps as a pillow. We all must've passed out while watching a movie last night. It had been three days since the whole gang was together. I hadn't seen or talked to Janell at all since she stormed out and Dally hasn't even made an effort to come over and apologize. Johnny was spending most of his time with Steve trying to find Dally and talk to him. Its just been me, Two-Bit, Darry, Pony, and Sodapop.

I lifted my head up and rubbed my eyes. My legs were asleep from Soda laying on them. I felt him stir as I tried to get up off the couch without waking him. He was a pretty heavy sleeper though so it was easy to get out from underneath him. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and made myself a cup of coffee. Darry came inside the kitchen from the backdoor going through the mail.

"Morning." He said.

"Morning. How come you didn't just use the front door?" I asked.

"Screens too loud. Didn't wanna wake y'all." He said. I nodded. The coffee machine began beeping so I poured myself a glass and grabbed Darry's mug from the dish rack. He liked black coffee so I didn't add any creamer or sugar. I like sweet coffee so I used a ton of sugar and heavy vanilla creamer.

I gave Darry his coffee and we went through the mail together. It was mostly bills and some random back to school junk, which reminded me I needed to pull out my backpack and all my books. We sat in silence drinking our coffee until Soda woke up and came into the kitchen looking for food. He grabbed a box of sugar covered cereal and poured it into a bowl.

"Nutritious breakfast there, little buddy." Darry said.

"Hmph." Was all Soda said in response, still rubbing his eyes.

He looked at me and Darry and shuddered.

"What?" I asked.

"How do you drink that stuff. Its so nasty and bitter." He said.

"Bitter?" I asked.

"Yeah. I tried Darry's coffee once and it was disgusting." He said.

"Soda... You do know there's other types of coffee, right? And other ways to make it. You don't have to drink it like Darry drinks his." I said.

"You mean not all coffee is nasty?" He asked.

"I'm sitting right here." Darry said, looking up from the morning paper.

We ignored him.

"Yeah, here I'll make you some." I said.

"How long will such a creation take? We have work today." He said.

"Like, two minutes." I said.

He crossed his arms as if such a thing was impossible.

"Bet." He said.

Darry looked between us, raising a brow.

I got up and walked over to the coffee machine. I picked the hot cocoa flavored coffee, my personal favorite, and put it in the coffee filter. Once it was done brewing I put milk instead of creamer in it and three spoon fulls of sugar. Then I got the whipped cream out of the fridge and put that on top in a huge pile. I looked behind me with a smirk. Soda's jaw was dropped like he'd never seen such a thing and Darry just looked genuinely concerned and terrified.

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