The Surprise

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I'd say pretty accurate for my version of Dally, lol

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I'd say pretty accurate for my version of Dally, lol

𝔈𝔪𝔪𝔞'𝔰 𝔓.𝔒.𝔙

I was sitting at the lunch table staring off into space while I thought about my meet up with Dally this afternoon. Johnny caught my eye and followed it to the garbage can I happened to be staring at.

"Looks like ya got some competition, aye Pony?" He teased.

I quickly snapped out of it and glanced around. "What?" I said, confused.

"Nothing, we're just messing with you. Are you okay?" Pony asked.

"Oh, yeah sorry. Just thinking about later." I said.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Johnny said.

"But Dally doesn't really do stuff like this. What if he tells me he's moving back to New York, or Janell is going back to California and he's going with her. Or somehow somebody got in contact with someone from my family and I have to leave." I said.

"If someone got in contact with your family, they'd call Darry since that's who you're technically legally under." Pony said.

"You're missing my point."

"No, I got it. MY point, is stop worrying. If Dally were going somewhere he'd tell all of us."

"No, not unless he wants to tell me alone and then tell y'all after." I argued.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but Dal's known us majority of his life. If he were leaving, he'd tell us before anybody." Johnny said.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't know, you guys know how I am. I overthink everything." I said.

"Oh believe me, we know." Pony said, taking a sip of his milk and then continuing his conversation with the kid across from him.

Johnny reached over the table and grabbed my hand. "I promise, whatever Dally has planned for later, won't be anything bad. Or he wouldn't have been so excited." He said.

"Yeah, I got it." I said, and went back to eating. After school was finally over, I said my goodbyes to Pony and Johnny as they began walking home.

They asked me multiple times if I was sure I didn't want someone to walk with me and I finally convinced them I was fine. The walk to Jay's was kind of peaceful, having my thoughts to myself with the crisp air on my face. I liked it. I didn't get much peace and quiet anymore living with several teenage boys.

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