Coming Home

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AYEEEE WE FINALLY HIT 1K READS!!! On this and my biggest skit book, The Outsiders groupchat posts. I'm very excited about it and kind of proud 👀 Thank y'all so much 🥺💖

𝔈𝔪𝔪𝔞'𝔰 𝔓.𝔒.𝔙

I woke up to someone poking at my head. I was now underneath a blanket verses when I went to sleep. I looked up and Dally was staring at me, which startled me.

"Creep." I said.

"Says you."

He moved my hair and looked at my cut.

"It looks like it's healing nicely." He said.

"It is."

"What are you doing here? It's almost four in the morning."

"I decided to stay the night because I haven't been getting much sleep and I figured coming here would help." I said.

"Did it?" He asked.

"Ehh.... no." I said.

Dally breathed a laugh. "Well go home, you have school tomorrow."

"I'm gonna skip for the rest of the week. It's too stressful for me right now."

"Emma, ya gotta go to school." Dally argued.

"Next week. I promise." I said.

He rolled his eyes and I smiled.

"I'm gonna go home." I said.

"Okay. Bye, be safe." He said.

"Of course."

I walked down the hall and talked to my doctor. My old one retired a few months so I had a new guy straight out of med school. Thank God he bought it and wrote me a week long pass to get out of school.

I walked away pretending to limp until I got out of the hospital, then walked home fine. When I got home I showered and went to bed.


I woke up around nine in the morning. It was finally Friday and Dally should be home sometime around six or seven. I didn't know if he was coming here or going to Donna's apartment. I figured we'd find out eventually. I was having a nice break from school and finally getting my head cleared and getting some serious work done on my car. I got up and grabbed my DX shirt and some jeans. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and began walking to the DX. When I got there Steve and Soda were working on a car together and I went straight to my Jaguar.

I got my paint bucket out and finished painting over the chipped spots. I went back and fourth between fixing my car, helping the guys out, and working the register. Taylor came in at one point to see Soda. I guess they have another date tomorrow night. They were a cute couple. It was about two in the afternoon which was our slow hour so I went back to work on my car. I grabbed a roller and a drip pan. I jacked the car up and slid underneath, putting the drip pan underneath the oil valve.

I took my wrench out of my pocket and began loosening the valve. Oil poured out and while I waiting I closed my eyes and relaxed. I was laying there for a few minutes until someone kicked my boot gently.

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