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Uhhhh okay SO. I majorly fucked up the timeline of this story (with it being my first fanfic I didn't plan it out as well as I should of and half the stuff that happened wasn't even supposed to. This story should have ended like fifteen chapters ago and Harley was originally gonna be a gOoD dUdE and apologize and all that and Janell was supposed to be a hippy who isn't pregnant but ANYWAY, I messed up the ages of the gang. All of this is supposed to take place a year after The Outsiders but I didn't specify exactly. It is taking place a year after but THE year after that Ig. So like Emma and Pony were fifteen in the beginning and now they're sixteen. Which means Dallas was 18 but now he's turning 19 (which in the next chapter I skipped November so he's gonna be 19 there) so like a year and a HALF after The Outsiders Ig. So at the beginning of the story Soda, Steve and Dally were 18, they are now 19. Two-Bit was 19, he's now 20. Darry is now 22, Johnny is 17 and Pony and Emma are sixteen. I know I screwed all of it up and didn't even mention their birthdays so like. Go me 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm sorry, lol. I could have just not written this and been like whatever who cares but since I had mentioned Emma and Pony's birthdays, it wouldn't have made sense. And there's a hella good chance I'm the only one who noticed and y'all are gonna read this and be like wtf? But hey nobody is perfect lol. So I'll post their ages below:

So I suck at dates so let's just say, at the beginning they were all only a year older than they were in The Outsiders and in the next chapter they're all now a year older because technically all of the birthdays have passed and I just completely ...

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So I suck at dates so let's just say, at the beginning they were all only a year older than they were in The Outsiders and in the next chapter they're all now a year older because technically all of the birthdays have passed and I just completely forgot. I also realized Emma and Pony literally had like three months of summer vacation lmfao. I was thinking ab Janell's pregnancy and I was like holy shit wait Pony and Emma can't have nine months of summer so I had to like very quickly fix all of that (this was during Fourth of July so I was barely even paying attention to the fireworks lol) so yeah. I'm sorry this is such a long author's note but I had to clear all of that up because it was giving my major anxiety knowing I literally fucked up the whole story. And dw at the beginning of the second book, I will be making an introduction that has they're ages throughout all three stories and I'll do the same with the third book. Anyway ty for reading all of this if you did. Also I know nobody cares but today is my birthday so I'M OFFICIALLY FIFTEEN, YAY!!! 🥳🥳

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