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So it's been a bit of a hot minute since I last published a chapter. I'm sorry it's taking me so long. I left the fandom a few days after my birthday because the people were very toxic. I still love The Outsiders with all my heart but because of my bad experiences, I've just been taking a break. I haven't watched the movie, made an edit, looked at edits, read fanfics or done anything related to it because I just need a break. It's also kind of stumping my motivation to write, on top of being in school and I have my first therapy appointment on the eighth so I'm very busy and all over the place and kind of in a dark headspace. I'm sorry for the wait, especially considering the events of the last chapter, lol. I'm not sure when I'll get the next chapter published, but don't worry I haven't forgotten or gone anywhere. Just taking a step away. Thank you guys for your patience and for understanding. Love y'all 💞

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