Babe?! What do you mean babe!?

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     I followed Solace into the infirmary, Percy's reaction tinged my brain. What if he told everyone? No.. he doesn't seem like that person. I don't think so.
     I was greeted at the door by Reba Filance, daughter of Aphrodite, quite the ego. What was she doing here? She looked in perfect condition.
     "Babe! Oh you brought the death spawn, hows he doing?" She said cheerfully to Will. Wait... Babe? Huh!? Wait... WHAT!? (EXCUSE ME AUTHOR!? I DIDN'T ORDER THIS!?)
     "Babe?" I questioned in hardly a whisper. My heart dropped, wait no. Why am I disappointed? Will is aloud to have his own life.
     "Oh! Sorry Nico, this is Reba... My girlfriend.." Solace said nervously brushing his curly blond hair from his sky ocean eyes. Reba nodded kissing Will on the cheek. The entire scene made me want to vomit up all those skeletal butterflies that arrived earlier. Of all the people, he picked Reba. The only worse person I could think of for Will would be Drew. Ugh, how I hated them together.
     Will looked nervously. "Um Reba? Could you go help out the Iris kid? I need to go get Nico set up."
     And that bitch, responded with. "I just got my nails done, I can't do that. I could like infect their wounds or something with my nail polish. Or worse I mess up my nail polish." Gods of Olympus, I want her to burn in Tartarus.
     Will sighed like he expected that answer.
     "Then why are you even here? This is an infirmary, filled with injured and dying people. So you either come in here to help or you are injured yourself." I hissed. How can she just. Agh!
     Will shot me a look. I ignored him. Reba narrowed her eyes.
     "Will. Why is he being mean to me? Why are you friends with someone like that!?" Reba sobbed, in an attractive Iwantattention kind of way.
     "I'm sorry Reba. It won't happen again." Will shot me a stern glance. He has the nerve!? What is wrong with everyone here?!
     Reba looking satisfied, whipped her brunette hair around and smiled in her I'msopretty kind of way. I silently cursed her hoping that she burn a million times over.
     Will dragged me towards one of the only empty beds. The infirmary was quite full to be honest. Will looked exhausted.
     There where a few other healers around, that didn't change the amount of work to be done.
     "Ok Death boy. Now I don't want to see you leave that bed, asides from bathroom breaks, for three days." Will gestured to the bed. We both ignored the fact that I was in my clothes still, but I was tired so.. I lay in bed and tried to sleep.
     I woke up three hours later by miss Filance. I tried to go back asleep, but she kept poking me with her long pointy rose gold nails.
     "What!?" I growled and sat up.
     "Jeez! I'm just trying to help you. Gods of Olympus do you not know any matters Death spawn?" She said in her I'moffendedcauseIwantattention voice.
     "How are you trying to help me!? All you're doing is bugging me!" I hissed.
     "I don't know how Will can stand you!" Reba cries. "Speaking of him." Reba dropped a tray with a carton of milk and a box of cereal. An entire box, unopened, on a tray. There was no bowl or spoon or anything. Just the milk carton and a box of cereal. "Will told me to give you this." She sashayed away all offended like.
     I was contemplating opened the ground to suck her into the depths of Tartarus, when the sunshine boy himself appeared.
     "Neeks! How you feeling?" Will said with an obviously forced happy tone.
     "Don't call me Neeks. And I
feel exactly the same as I did before I got in this prison, maybe a little more annoyed." I growled and contemplated the meaning of life as I looked at the box of cereal.
     "Oh I told Reba to wait until you woke up.. Well.. wait is that what she gave you? It's 8:30 pm.." Solace raised an eyebrow like he would never expect a girl like Reba to do such a thing. Stupidass.
     "Well. That's how it is. That's how she is. How can you date a person like that?" I blurted out. I should have kept it to myself, but no, Di Angelo can't do that. Did I just refer to myself in third person? Gods sake what's wrong with me today.
      Will narrowed his startling blue eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it almost instantly. Solace walked away without another word.


     "How can you date a person like that?" Nico blurted. I felt like someone had stabbed me. That someone was Nico. Thanks for the stab, I'll be sure to return the offer!
     I wanted tell him off for insulting her like that. No words came. I can't believe Di Angelo acted like that. I narrowed my eyes and tried again for words, instantly giving up. I turned and walked away. I needed to think before I blew up.
     I stood by one of the sinks and wet my face. Everything is ok. Reba really like that? No. I've known her longer than Nico has. So what she makes a few mistakes, that's the mortal in her.
     Reba would be back in her cabin by now. I sighed, checked over the remaining patients, leaving Nico until last.
     "Ok.. So everything all good here? Need water? Anything?" I asked Nico.
      He looked at the box of cereal and milk like, Ineedalotofthingsrightnow. But he shook his head and said he was fine.
     I turned the lights off in the infirmary and headed to his cabin.
     An hand grabbed his arm.

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