Romeo and other Romeo. Frick Juliet.

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Wow it's been a long time, sorry. So they got together. Great. Yay. We all like happy endings don't we. We all want a happy joyful gay ending. I was going to give you that. Just end it at the last chapter. Yet alas, I am that kid, who makes stories so long they loose plot and get super crappy after a while. So that's what I'm going to do. If ya guys want. Leave stupid ideas in the comments. Or don't, I have Pinterest. Don't worry this entire chapter isn't going to just be me ranting about it. You guys don't care. You just want to read the story. And I shall give that to you.


I get it. I fucked up. I reacted badly. Nico probably thinks I'm immortal. Because I was stabbed. It should have killed me. He knows that, he's a son of the dead for Hera's sake! I supposed things might need explaining.
I was supposed to die. I was supposed to be dead. But.. plot armour. It affects us all. Haha, I kid, plot armour isn't real. Unless...
     It doesn't matter. I get that I did bad, but that doesn't change the fact that Will is obvious to the fact he's straight,
     I know he loved me. He can't possibly be gay. No way. He was happy before that hades freak came along and ruined it. No I can't stand this. I can't. I need to get Will back. I need him, he needs me.


     Nico and I have been together officially for 2 weeks. The happiest two weeks of my life. Every time I'm away from him my heart hurts until he's at my side. This sounds like it's straight out of a Romance novel but it's true! I can't believe I was ever together with that bitch Reba.
     But I'm happy now and she's out of our lives forever.
     Mid thought Reba walks into the infirmary. Fury builds up inside of me and I drop the pills into the bottle quickly and spin around to look her in the eye. "What are you doing here!?"
     Reba looked shocked as I yelled at her. "Oh my gods I can't even walk into an infirmary without being accused of something. I just was feeling sick and wondering if you had anything for it? Am I aloud to ask that or is that a hazard to society?"
     I knocked the bottle of pills over by accident. How stupid of me, she understood we were done. She probably felt bad about it. Reba just needed sone medical advice. I'm overthinking this.
     "Oh uh.. right. How are you feeling sick? Is it a headache? Stomach pains?" I turned back around and put the pills back in the bottle and sorted it into the cupboard.
     "Oh.. uh headache." She responded and sat down on one of the beds.
     I nodded instantly understanding what it is. "when do you start your period. I assume you have those again since you were never pregnant."
     She flushed awkwardly. "Yeah I'm sorry.. I'm due in three days." 
     "Your nausea is probably from your periods and is completely normal you have nothing to worry about. If it gets really bad come back and I'll give you an Advil." I responded and gestures to the bottle of Advil on the counter.
     Reba thanked me and left the infirmary.
     I was happy to be done my shift so I could go see my boyfriend at battle practice.
     He was sword fighting with a young child of Iris, who looked ready to fall over and die at any second. I don't know why Nico was fighting an 11 year old. But the determination in the young ginger's eyes told me everything.
     I leaned against the side of the arena watch then two of them fight. Nick was obviously superior and practically destroying the kid, but he was going easy on him so he didn't injure him too much.
     The kid fell over and dropped his sword. Nico reached out his arm to help the kid up. "Good game kid. You did well." Nico was obviously lying as the kid sucked but it made him crack a little smile regardless. The kid got up and thanked Nico for letting him battle with him then ran off.
     Nico noticed me and came over. I passed him his water bottle as he told me about his day and I got lost in the sound of his beautiful voice once again.

AN: Hi! I'm not dead!! I'm so sooo sorry I haven't posted in like.. forever. But I'll try and post more often. Thank you for your patience guys!! I would love to have some ideas for further chapters. Thank you for reading!!

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