Theres no chapter title to describe how high I feel typing this.

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     It happened so fast I didn't believe it actually happened. It made no sense, but I know it happened, it had to have happened.
     Will tilted my head up and kissed me.
I kinda just melted into the kiss. It didn't last long, but to me it felt like ages. It wasn't like my dreams. It was nothing like I'd ever imagined. I mean... dammmmmmnn he's a good kisser.
Then I started thinking... Will is straight... right? He's kissing me.. what does that mean? Could Will Solace be Gay? No. Of course not. He's bi, or pan. Or he's straight and this means nothing to him. Dumb straight dudes.
After a solid two seconds he backed up. I must of been blushing like crazy. Stupid body. Stupid emotions. Solace was blushing as well, but he smiled in a friendly way.
"Almost loosing Reba got me thinking. What if I lost her... what if I lost my siblings... Kayla, Austin, Lee.. What if I lost my friends... Cecil, Lou Ellen... You... when I thought about it Nico... You were the hardest to lose. The more u though the more I believed it.. Nico I'm Bisexual, and Nico.. I really like you... If course I'm still really mad that you stabbed Reba, but the Nico I know.. He's better then that." Will muttered and looked at the ground. "Reba is going to be okay... her heart rate has steadied... she's no longer bleeding, the wound is healing... just thought you should know."


Then I just left. Fuck. That's just a big fuck right there. Pardon my French but... what the fuck me!? Whyyyy!? Whyyyyyy!!!!!!!?????
He thinks I'm to forward. I think I'm to forward. I think I'm way to forward!
His black eyes had glittered with confusion, he didn't know what I done. Gods I'm so stupid.
All this while Reba is dying. Nico stabbed Reba, I have to remind myself that.
I walked into my cabin and plopped down onto my bed. I had a corner space in the cabin and all around my bed on the wall was covered in photographs, posters, Polaroids, cut magazines, no place to see the actual wall, I loved it. I loved my cabin. I loved my siblings, I loved the campers... I loved camp half blood. I loved Nico Di Angelo.
I looked at my wall. Something wasn't right. I stood up and picked up the tin can filed with markers and pens. I separated pink blue and purple from the rest and drew the bi flag onto my wall.
This was me. This was Will Solace accepting who I was. I am Will Solace and I am bisexual.


I am Nico Di Angelo and I am gay. It's becoming a problem, images are filling my mind. The feeling of Will's warm lips still tingled on my own. I hadn't moved from that spot for almost 4 minutes.
That was my first kiss. Of course being gay and raised in the 1930's didn't help... and the fact I avoided social interaction for most of the time since Bianca died. I haven't had much time for love interests. Stupid Percy.
I got to my senses and headed down to my cabin. I needed to think. A lot.

     I met his eyes across the hall. He quickly looked away but I kept staring.
     His raven black hair was long enough to be tucked into his leather jacket, yet it still stuck out practically everywhere else. I don't doubt he brushes it, I think it's just naturally messy. As in he needs a haircut.
     Yet that's what I loved about him. About Nick, his hairc his eyes, his smile and his laugh. Especially the past two. All I want now is for him to be happy.
     Kayla caught me looking, she nudged my elbow. Her green and red hair was extra vibrant today. "Checking our Di Angelo Eh?" I quickly looked away and my brother Lee Fletcher dropped his spoon. Austin was to busy tuning his guitar to notice.
     "There was a new drawing on your wall today... have anything to tell us... William?" Kayla continued straightening her posture to look professional. Now all eyes from my table have turned on me. Shit.
     "I... I.. I'm going to be sick.. sorry Uh." I stood up and ran out of the hall. I headed to the public bathrooms and threw up in one of the toilets.
     What was wrong with me? I wasn't sick. Stress. I shouldn't be this stressed. They are my siblings, I know they'd respect me, but I was also their head councillor. I had a job as a roll model, they looked up to me.

     Will ran out of the hall. He seemed to be having a conversation with his fellow Apollo campers and he just hit up and left.
     I looked around my table, filled with soulless air. Then back at the Apollo table filled with noisy, happy, social people... fuck it.
     I stood up and ran out of the hall, after Will. I could feel everyone staring at me. Yeah well. I don't care anymore.
     Guess what it ain't hard to find a guy with practically glowing hair. He ran into the public bathroom. I ran down to meet him.
     Will was in one of the stalls so I didn't know what to do... Maybe I should just leave.
     The door opened. To late now.
     Will looked at me. Then backed into the stall again closing the door.
AN: Woot Will just like, Frick this I'm out. I made a long enough chapter!!! Be proud.

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