Tartarus part 2

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     "YOU ARE NOT GOING DOWN THERE!" Butch yelled at me. His voice loud with fury. I didn't care. I gritted my teeth and snapped back. "They are alive! Unless I go and help them they won't be!! We came here to save people! What good is saving people if people die in the end anyways!?" My fingernails dig into the palm of my hand.
    Butch's colourfully changing eyes were narrow and filled with disapproval. "If you go down there you'll die as well. Three deaths are worse than two."
     "I'd rather die knowing I did everything I could to help them than sit around knowing they died because I didn't do anything." I spat trying to steady my breathing. "I won't fucking let that happen."
     Butch crosses his arms and took a deep breath. "You're going to get yourself killed. I don't care if you've been down there before. You almost died then and that was when you had better control on your powers."  Butch let out a deep sigh. "Will is gone Nico. He fell in. He's not making it out alive. I'm sorry."
     I groaned. "Don't you understand!? I need to do this! Stop trying to stop me! I can't live with myself if he dies! Butch I-I love him." Heat rushes to my face but I ignore it. "I can't imagine living my life without him."
     Butch closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Don't do it Nico. We need you at camp." "We need Will! He's head healer! He's the best at camp!"
     "Let him go Butch. He dies that's his fault. If we don't let him go he'll be miserable for the rest of his life." Malcom said bitterly, running his fingers through his blond wavy hair and adjusting his glasses.
     The son of Iris opened his mouth to object. When no words came out I ran to the mountain and climbed back up without another word.


     Thump. Ow! Death hurts a lot less then I thought. I don't feel dead. I feel uncomfortably alive. But that's impossible, a fall from that height..
     Reba groans beside me. Yep definitely alive. I stand up and take in my surroundings. The clearest colour I can see is red. Dark blood red. Red jagged shapes I assume are rocks, the sky is dark sickly red. Its very dark, very unnerving.
     I finally soak it in. Tartarus, I'm in Tartarus. I felt like I was falling for hours apon hours. Just endless air and falling. I'm not dead. Looking around, realizing where I am. I'm beginning to wish I was.
     Nico was in here before. He didn't like talking about it. He hated it when anyone even said Tartarus.
     I look around at Reba. She's got her eyes covered with her hands and she's laying with her legs pulled close to her chest. Her brown hair is spread out around her on the dark Tartarus floor.
     I can't help but remain bitter towards her. Reba was manipulative and she crossed the line way too many times. I regret this feeling, seeing her down here with me.
     We both struggle to breathe in eerie silence. Every breath hurts more than the next and It's so hot I feel like my skin is going to burn off. That's saying a lot considering I was raised in the heatwave of a state texas, and being the child of Apollo, god of the literal sun.
     If we don't do something soon we will die for real this time.
     I wrack my brain for anything that might help. Everything is so fuzzy. What do I have on me right now? I have my portable medical bag and the blade I used to cut Reba from her cage.
     Pretty sucky weapon to defend myself. I think. Thinking is distracting me from the painful air and surroundings. It'll have to do. What's in my medical bag?
     Basic first aid things... bandages, burn cream, anti infection wipes, nectar and ambrosia- Nectar and Ambrosia! That's got to help with something. I break off a small bit from one of the ambrosia squares and poke Reba. Even that slight movement hurts.
     She shivers instead of responding. I sigh. It won't be much use if she won't respond to me. My throat hurts too much to try and speak to her so I eat the square.
     It helps a little bit for maybe ten minutes. I can't be bothered to think of time. It feels like ten minutes but I have no idea. I grab my legs with my arms and stare blankly at a large fleshy hill. Like a giant pimple in the ground.
     Then it burst before my eyes and an 10ft scorpion with 9 wolf heads. Each with an individual set of pincers and dog like fangs.
     I desperately clutched my knife at my side and struggled to stand up. I wasn't going to last long down here, but at least I'll go out fighting.
     Or so I thought as a small pale skinny boy dropped from the sky.

AN: I have to give credit to @Elephant65536 ,they requested to drop Nico into Tartarus with Will and Reba. A few other people also mentioned it to kudos to you guys! Hope youse liked the chapter and that you all have a good day/night/afternoon.

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