Welp, they don't want Tea. But they need CPR sooo

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Nico's eyes glazed over. I checked his pulse. A weak, but existing pulse lie there. Holy Hephaestus how did this happen. It seemed like he chocked on the ambrosia... That shouldn't have knocked him out like that none the less. Doesn't matter now. He is my patient. If he was choking... CPR.
I lay him on the ground, I put my hands on his chest in a fist, and pushed down 30 times. I checked for breathing. Nothing. I tried again, checked, nothing. I proceeded to do this five times. Still nothing. I put my mouth around his and plugged his nose, and blew a few times, going back to pressure every now and then.
It had had just dawned to me that I had practically kissed Nico Di Angelo. No. No it wasn't like that. No. That was part of CPR. It was for medical use. I had not kissed the son of hades.. I wasn't bisexual.. was I? No! I'm as straight as a rainbow.... Oh shit. Why am I thinking of this now! Nico could be dying!
This went on for 10-30 minutes. I wasn't counting. My main focus was the unconscious patient in front of me. His black hair was matted and messed up, his paler face loosing even more colour, (if possible) his black eyes had closed, but I knew they were still glazed over. His pulse weekend. I continued with the procedure.
Someone walked in. I didn't look up to see who. The entire infirmary seemed to have gone silent. I pushed all that to the back of my mind.
I tried mouth to mouth again. This time I got a reaction. Nico started coughing, coming into consciousness. I could feel his pulse steady.
I put more pressure on his chest. He coughed more and his eyes flew open as he took a deep breath.
Relieved sighs sounded around me, and the usual quiet sounds started again. Yet I still kept my eyes on Di Angelo. His breathing steadied and he sat up.
"You gave me quite the fright there Di Angelo. What happened?" I intelligently asked.
"Did you just..." Nico muttered his face flushing with embarrassment. Well at least he's got colour now.
"Did I just save your life? Yes. That's my job. Now. If you could explain wh-" I was cut off.
"He has nothing to explain. You on the other hand have some explaining to do." Reba's voice sounded by the doorway. "We have one little fight.. And you go off kissing Di Angelo? I'm not a toy you know! You can't just go and play me like that."
Anger boiled up inside me. "As a doctor, it was my job to ensure Nico's safety. I used CPR to help him breath, I was not kissing him. He could have died!" I said sternly, my voice tinged with slight anger, I tried to act as calm as possible.
"That doesn't change the fact you guys touched lips. That's practically kissing." Leave it to Reba to find loopholes in every situation.
"I was doing my job." I clenched my teeth, my eyes narrowed. She seemed to have recovered from out little incident before. Her makeup re done, her hair re made up.
"If you where in my situation you wouldn't think so."
"If you where in my situation you would find it crazy how you are acting right now! He could have died, does a person's life mean nothing to you?" I hissed standing up to face her.
"He belongs in the underworld, with his family. With people like him." Reba scoffed, like that was an obvious point.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Nico had stood up beside me, using the bed for a bit of support, yet he stood defiantly. His black eyes strained with exhaustion.
"Stay out of this death breath."


I felt a little opening for air. Warm lips were pressed against mine, blowing air though. Wait what?
I coughed and I could breath again. Well sorta. I felt pressure on my chest. I coughed again and I could breath freely this time. I opened my eyes to see the form of Will Solace standing over me. The feeling of his lips tingled in the place it was before.
"You gave me quite the fright there Di Angelo. What happened?" Solace brought me out of my trance. Not that I was in a trance... No... I felt myself blushing. Aw shit. Shit shit shit shit. I don't know if he just kissed me or...
"Did you just...." I muttered trailing off. Blushing harder. Gods damit!
The rest kinda blurred together...
I sorta lost consciousness of what was happening around me until I heard Reba's voice saying... "he belongs in the underworld, with his family. With people like him."
I got to my feet, my vision clearing so I could glare into her eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Stay out of this death breath." Reba hissed. Death breath... That was Leo's nickname for me.. Now he's... No not think of this now.
I flipped out, aiming a punch at Reba, she easily side stepped it.
"Watch your patients solace. I need a break from you." Reba hissed to Will, who had begun holding my arms behind my back so I wouldn't lash out anymore.
"Fine! Be that way!" Will shouted as she left the infirmary. People around us started muttering. Way to cause a scene Solace...

(AU: Sorry this came out a bit late. I fell asleep typing this... It's a little shorter then usual.. Hope you guys are satisfied with my work. :3)

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