Dealing with the problem

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(I didn't know what to do for the picture at the top so I just did some crappy fanart I did of my Apollo kid OC.)


Reba looked me dead in the eyes. She turned her head towards her little minions and then looked back at me.
"Why you?" She stared clenching her fist as her gaze dropped down to the ground. "Why you, son of hades!?"
Reba let out a distorted laugh. "I thought it should be obvious! Little Di Angelo, so lost and alone.. you never deserved anything you got! You should have died with your filthy hunter sister!"
I should've Done something right there. Something to defend myself in anyway. I am Nico Di Angelo, son of hades. I am the ghost king. Yet here I was, standing silently in fear of the girl in front of me.
"You took everything I had from me. You slowly ripped off every bit of my essence. Will was everything to me. I put my entire world into him, I worked my way up to his standards. I deserve his love. You do not. Yet you just march in here with your injuries and he's head over heels. I don't care what you've done in your life, but in my eyes you'll always be a soulless monster. You don't deserve Will." Reba snapped her eyes glassy with tears. But she wasn't done there.
"You needed to be punished. You are not aloud to be happy after what you did to me." Reba coughed. Her followers looked a little awkward and didn't know what to do.
"That was your own doing Reba. You're a bitch. You ruined your relationship. You cheated on him, you ruined his life. So no. It's not my fault." I snapped and stood up straight. (Not really.)
Reba stumbled backwards. "N-" But hardly before she could even speak, Will's slight texan accented voice rung though my ears.
"Leave him alone."


I heard everything. I was standing there the entire time. Well not the entire time, but I heard enough.
I was walking around to try and find my shoes. When I spotted them so I forgot about my shoes and walked over. Keeping my distance so I wasn't noticeable but within earshot.
Finally I was done standing around so I stood up for him.
"Leave him alone. He's telling the truth so maybe you should just fuck off"
Reba looked into my eyes. And backed away from us. She was without words. Just slowly then quickly leaving.
Nico ran to me and threw myself into my arms in a very un-Nico like way. I picked him up and buried my face in his hair.
We just stood there. His arms around my neck as I held him up with my face in his hair, his head against my chest.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Neeks." I cried holding him tightly in my arms.
Nico whimpered, "I'm sorry as well Solace."
It was clear we didn't know why each of us were sorry, but we understood and accepted the apologies. Because life was so fucked up right now, we didn't need to know why.

AN: Another short one but at least we dealt with Reba 👍

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