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     I hadn't been completely honest with Will. I really did like him... I hoped he liked me back, but even if he didn't, i had earned his friendship. I had earned his trust, so he should earn mine.
      So I told him, I told him everything.
     I told him about my mother's death, I told him about the lotus hotel, I told him about how I felt when Bianca left for the hunters. I told him about when she died. I  told him about minos, the labyrinth, the dreams, Tartarus, the jar, Cupid... I told him about how I had felt for Percy... and why I stopped.
     Will stayed silent and respectfully listened the entire time. Then I couldn't hold back the tears.
     I cried to him about Persephone hating me, Hades preferring Bianca... Then I talked about camp. How no one likes me, how Reba acted towards me, the things she said... and the things she did.
     I explained the cuts and bruises were from her, I didn't stop her because deep down, I knew maybe I deserved it. And as the days went by, I grew more and more exhausted, every time I used my abilities it's like a section of my soul faded away into pure darkness.
     Even now, just taking to him, I was scared of fading away, I was exhausted, unable to do anything to prevent it.
     I waited for him to give me some stupid advice or tell me how stupid I was. I took a deep breath and told him about Leo.
     Leo Valdez was gone, because of the decision I had made. He had done nothing in his life to deserve it.
     And I was done. There was nothing more I could say. Had I said to much? Probably, but I was tired of secrets, tired of holding back.
     We sat in silence, none of us moving and hardly breathing or blinking for 94 seconds.
     Will pulled me into a hug. I let his sunny warmth soak into my body. I let him hold of to me, like I was his lifeline. I let his run his bandaged and scabbed fingers through my greasy, messy black hair.
     I hugged him back crying into his shirt. I was tired of secrets. I was tired of these stupid things that kept happening. Yeah, being a demigod was tough, but it looks like I got the smallest straw.

AN: Short chapter, but it's a chapter so.. hope ya liked it.

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