Things get predictable

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Didn't take her long to heal. Of course she was in a wheelchair and she looked pretty dazed, but there was Will Solace, pushing Reba in her chair.
     She caught my eye and shrieked in fear. The people around her turned to glare at me then looked at Reba sympathetically.


     Thank gods Reba was okay.
     This has nothing to do with anything but last night I was searching for new songs, I came across Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl". I completely fell in love with this song so of course I had to find a gender bend version. Wasn't hard. Just got a new favourite song.
     Reba doesn't like it. I walked into the infirmary to check on her and I had the song playing on my iPod. I didn't know she was awake. It went a bit like;

Reba: "What are you listening to?"
Me: "Ah! Oh my gods Reba you're awake!" -then I imitatively run to gather the stuff for a proper check up.-
Reba: "Relax Solace, someone already checked me over. What are you listening to?"
Me: "It's nothing really, just a song I found and thought it was cool." -I muttered and checked her over anyways-
Reba: "I've been in a coma for like how long? I've been stabbed by your little 'boy crush' Di Angelo. You owe me at least to see your music."
Me: -I sighed and handed over the iPod-
Reba: "This is gay trash." -she said after listing to like ten seconds of it and handed back my iPod-
Me: "Yeah... So right I should get you outside, you need some air.. And food."

     For some reason I had a feeling Reba and Nico didn't like each other. Just a hunch.
     When I pushed Reba outside age shrieked when she saw Nico, the son of hades on the other hand unsheathes his sword.
     Those are not the friendly reactions I wanted. I guess it's fair do to be a bit scared of Nico, I mean he did stab her...
Di Angelo shouldn't have threatened her by pulling out his blade though, it was completely unnecessary and... gods I don't know what I'm doing.
     "How long was I out?" Reba asked looking up behind me, trying to ignore Nico as much as possible.
     I thought of everything that had happened since Reba went out. Am I a bad person?
"I... Uh. Five days. Not that long but long enough to scare the shit out of me."
Reba nodded and turned back to facing forward, Nico had left. I pushed her to the dining pavilion.
At the pavilion I brought her to her siblings.
"I'm just going to go, you cause can take it over from here, right?" I asked a few of the Aphrodite kids, they gave me their okays.
"Wait, you're leaving? Why?" Reba asked and played with her hair.
"I... I need to go.. I have something to do.." I started to walk away but Reba grabbed by arm.
"You're going to find that hades freak, aren't you?"
"He's not a freak."
"Don't you love me!? I thought you cared!"
"Reba." I knelt down to look directly into her eyes. "I spend the last five days giving most of my time to help you. I thought you were going to die... And we broke up."
Reba teared up. "You gay freak!"
I stood up and backed away, her siblings had gone to comfort her. I felt bad, like really bad.
I left the pavilion. I ruffled my golden hair and stared forward. Right, got to find Nico.
Who knew a living shadow was so hard to find? Me. Cause it took me three hours. Okay I lied. I tried for thirty minutes then I asked Jason. Then I found him ten minutes later.
He was in his cabin.
When I knocked on the door of the hades cabin, I heard the drop of some metal object, a silent curse and shuffling around inside.
"Nico. It's me. You're not in the dining hall... um can you come? You need to eat." I asked the door.
There was more shuffling and the sound of something ripping with more cursing, then Nico unlocked the door.
He wore a long oversized black hoodie with his usual black wrapped jeans, his Haifa was in more of a mess then usual. The son of hades leaned on the doorframe and kept his hands in his pocket.
"Yeah... I'm not going. Not hungry, I'll eat later. Sorry to disappoint you. You can go back to your girlfriend now." Nico said half muttering staring at the ground.
I laughed, "Neeks, you know we broke up. I was just pushing her to the dining pavilion. Common Death boy, lets get some food in you."
Nico hesitated. "N-Nah, I'm fine, really. I.. I had a big supper last night and.. yeah." he started to close the door, when I noticed the small bit of bandage poking out from his hoodie sleeve.
It was probably doctors instinct that I grabbed his arm, but I kinda wanted to hold his hand... and drag him to go get some food.
     Then I know it's there. I pull down his sleeve and Nico quickly pulls it away.
     "Leave me alone Solace!" He yelled and shut and locked the door.
     Oh, this was happening...

AN: Heyo! So like I was gonna end this story when they kissed but like... Nah. Let's add some spice.

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