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I didn't mean to fall asleep on him. It just... happened. It wasn't like on purpose.. but as we talked I felt more and more tired and... yeah well fuck.
Will and I seemed to be talking for hours, just enjoying each other's company, it was actually really great. I hadn't wanted to go see him in the first place, but Jason and Percy insisted. I don't regret going but...
Falling asleep on him probably pushed the line, Will didn't need that. He had a girlfriend, and even now I doubt he would consider us very close... I'm so pathetic.
Speaking of his girlfriend! If Reba saw me even socializing with Will, all hades breaks loose, I can't imagine what would happen if she saw this. Probably ban me from looking at Solace ever again, like she has the right.
My dreams were always troubling. This time, for some reason, I slept without dreams, total peace. Okay, something was up, how could all of this be so perfect?
I woke up back in the hades cabin, was it all just one big dream? That's what I thought until I saw Will sitting beside my bed, sipping coffee from a bright neon yellow mug.
I proceeded to look up at him, he was grinning like an idiot.
"Good evening sleepy head. You fell asleep in my cabin, so I brought you over here, it's only 7:30, but you missed dinner. Why'd you fall asleep all of a sudden?" Will asked me, his blond hair tinted red in the setting sun outside my window.
I sat up, what time had it been when I fell asleep? 4pm? 3pm?
"I honestly have no idea, Gods I'm... Gods sorry I should have stayed awake." I muttered and rubbed my eyes, I was still dressed in my usual black ripped jeans and skull t-shirt, I probably looked like death... I mean like not Thanatos, more like, I look bad.
Will just laughed, "Well thanks for coming over anyways, I just got back from the dining pavilion to check in on you. Get some sleep, you're most likely just suffering from exhaustion. See you later Di Angelo." Will stood up and walked out of my cabin. And I was alone once more.


     I don't understand why it's so important to interview me for this. I mean I probably don't play an important part in your silly story anyways, what is with you writing down everything thing I say?!
     Right okay then... anyways.
     After Will got back I felt stressed in a way? I don't know why! Well I do, besides the point. I know Will's back, yeah I understand that he had to go... I just sorta wished he stayed a bit longer so I could work out what's happening.
     Of course I love him you dim witted- nevertheless, I have some things to work out and Will Solace isn't helping with the matter of.. you can stop writing! I gave you my gods dam quotes.
     What even is the story about?


     I gotta say, Nico is fucking cute when he's asleep.
     Fuck. No I didn't. I didn't say that! I-I no I didn't say- why do you need to know this stuff anyways! I- please don't tell Reba I said that!!!
     Right off track... is this like a story or something? Are you writing a book?! What's it about!?
     Me!? Why!? I wasn't important in Rick's stories... Eh? Okay then... You aren't publishing this right?
     So like a good friend I brought Nico to his cabin. I headed to dinner, then headed to Nico's cabin to check on him.
     I ended up waiting for him to wake up longer then I intended. He's a deep sleeper that kid.
     What!? It's true! Stop looking at me like that.
     After I left the hades cabin I headed over to Reba's cabin, to check in her, cause I'm a loyal boyfriend.
     Oh wait Reba is calling me, I'll talk to you later.

AN: So this chapter was short, yes I know. Well it's kinda just to prep you for the next one, a lot is gonna happen, so stop here, take a few breaths and just calm yourself. Cause the next felt chapters. Are gonna be a mess.

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