Thats a kiss. Okay..

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     Before I knew it, my time was up. I was freed from my prison of the infirmary. Yet something was tugging at my chest. I could have stayed longer. I just didn't feel the need to.
     Will leaned against the door frame, he had his gaze focused on Mellie, she would be here a while. At least Hedge came and visited on a daily basis. Little Chuck had his tiny fists balled and he thrashed them around. Gods that kid was a handful.
     My gaze rested again on the son of Apollo. His relaxed expression and pose, his freckled nose, his crystallizing blue stare, his mop of curly blond hair... Perfect... No, no not again...
     I hadn't noticed he meeting my gaze. He smiled his quirky smile. "You checking me out?"
     I dropped my gaze and grabbed my things. "Idiot." I muttered and slung my sword at my side.
     I pushed past him as I walked out. Will caught my arm and turned me to face him. I quickly pulled away, but stay facing him.
     "You seem so ready to leave... Do you hate it here that much?" Will said, he was still smiling, but I could detect the slight bit of hurt in his voice.
     "No I..." I trailed off thinking on what to say.
     "It's fine, you don't have to answer. Just... Nico I want us to stay friends. No matter what Reba says. Like maybe you could just say hi or something once in a while?"
     I processed what he was saying for a moment. "Y-yeah... I would like that..." I muttered, I cracked a small smile.
     "Yeah. Umm, well see you around Di Angelo." Will turned back into the infirmary, his teal flip-flops, flipping and flopping like background music.
     I decided to check out the arena, it's been a while since I've been. Still decently early in the morning though...
     Of course Percy Jackson is there. Why wouldn't he? He was bantering with Jason Grace. Didn't he leave for new Rome? My memory is still foggy.
      No one was battling, why? This is a fighting arena. Even Ethan, from the area cabin, was just simply cleaning his blade. I walked over to Jason and Percy.
     "Hey! Your finally out! How's it going?" Jason said holding out his hand for a high five, I unwillingly responded.
     "Why isn't anyone doing anything?" I asked after an awkward silence.
     "We could spar if you wanted." Percy suggested and uncapped riptide.
     "Sure." I detached my sword from my belt.
      We faced each other, swords at the ready. It was such an intense match, so much happened, it went on for ages, so much detail about it wow. So great, I've never seen a better match. Wow you... You really should have been there.. yeah, so intense.
     Five minutes in I'm laying in the ground. Exhaustion fell over me. So I kinda just fell asleep there.
     As I woke, a mop of blond curly hair stood over me.
     "Back here again aren't you? Can't keep yourself away can you." Will winked at me. Wait was he just... No.
     "Why the fuck am I here." I rubbed my head and looked around the infirmary.
     "Oh Percy knocked you out in combat. It was a sad defeat, but you'll be fine in an hour or two." Will said cheerfully and he propped himself on the table beside my bed.
     "Are you high?" I asked as he swung his feel happily bobbing his head.
     "I'm only high on my love for you." Will said and Booped me on the nose.
     "The fuck!? I thought you were still with Reba..." I blushed furiously and resisted the urge to slap him.
     He grabbed my face and kissed me. Skeletal butterflies continued to resurrect in my stomach. He tasted like caramel chocolate chips? His blue eyes stayed fixed on my black ones.
     His face changed, What was Will was Reba, and what was Me was Will. It was still in first person, but I knew I was Will.
     Honestly the entire scene made me happy, but these weren't my emotions. I was now Will. This was how he felt. This was how he loved the daughter of Aphrodite. When we separated all had changed back. I didn't feel the happiness anymore.
     I looked at Will, I didn't get the satisfaction that I thought I would get after kissing the son of Apollo. Just emptiness grew in my chest. He didn't like me. He loved Reba. I was more of an object, something to play with until they got bored and tossed me aside.
     This time I slapped Will. For real this time, I woke up.
(AU: Ah, I reached so much writers block. This was so short I'm sorry! I really wanted to post something today. This is all I got. I'm writing a Solangelo High school AU would anyone be interested in that? Anyways, sorry again this is short and poorly written, I'll try and stick to better content from now on.)

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