Quest Part 3

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AN: I felt like the bisexual cat works well enough. That art is in a weird style I did, but i can do realism, anime, chibi, cartoon, semirealism and a bunch of random styles. I was considering drawing the cover for this story. Do you guys like the one I have or would you like me to draw it??


"State your names and reason for trespassing on hour sacred land!" One of the nymphs called out she had a pointed hat made out of sunflower leaves.
"Uh, I'm Will, this is Nico, Butch, and Malcom. We mean no harm!" He said being the only one weaponless in this situation. "We just want to talk to Summer."
Alarmed muttering broke out between the nymphs and they thrusted their floral weaponry even closer to out faces. I gripped my sword tighter, not wanting to resort to violence but willing to to protect my friends.
"How do you know her name!? Why do you seek her?" Another nymph spoke up her green eyes flashing with rage.
"A water nymph wanted to talk to her, she sent us to look for her." I confirmed. The nymphs didn't look too convinced and they held their weapons firmly.
Will repeated, "We mean no harm." The son of hades rolled his eyes at Will.
The nymphs started to consider for a moment. Then one of the nymphs in the back pushed forward. Her golden yellow hair was divided into five thick buns giving her the impression of a sun or a giant flower. "Why does she wish to speak to me?" The nymph asked.
Will smiled, "Honestly? She seems to have a sort of crush on you I guess. So if you could just come with us to meet her..." A black blush formed on the nymphs dark brown skin. She looked around at her fellow nymphs before responding.
"Right I'll come with you to meet this nymph, if you swear to never trespass on our land again!" The nymph I assumed was summer responded.
"We are just passing though, we'll be out of your petals in no time." Malcom reasoned putting his weapon away.
The nymph nodded and followed us to the stream where we waited for the nymph.
It only took a few minutes before a blue head popped up. "Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!" She squealed and dove under the water before popping up again. "Thank you guys so much!!" She said to us. "The cave is at the end of my stream, then take a left keep walking until you find a mountain, should be at the top if there. Thank you!!" Within seconds she was in deep conversation with the sunflower nymph.


Will looked at me and I shrugged, then we made our way back to the pegasi.
It didn't take as long as we thought to find the cave. I'm surprised we didn't see it before that thing is massive! Malcom stopped us at the base of the mountain to devise a plan.
"So, we have no idea what we must face up there so we have to devise a plan." Malcom said jamming his fist on his open hand. "So any ideas?"
"As I expected you continue to have no input on any topic I bring up. Now here's what we are going to do.."


So turns out. I can't climb. I am actually very bad at it. Considering the fact I've never even tried out the climbing wall back at camp. I was not looking forward to it, and I was grateful when Nico was volen-told to try and see what we are up against.
     We waited at the base of the mountain while Nico climbed up. I watched the pegasi and Will watched Nico while Malcom repeatedly told us the plan.
     It was almost past nightfall before Nico came down looking slightly terrified, I could tell he was more uneasy in the inside, but he hid it well behind his dark eyes.
    "Python. That's who we are up against thats who wants apollo, and thats who has our campers." The son of hades pushed his raven hair out of his eyes and let out a deathly sigh. "He's asleep now, the cadged are next to a giant crack in the ground. It was hard to see with all the green gas covering the cave. I didn't dare go close incase I woke Python up, but it'll be a good idea to not inhale that gas stuff, I wouldn't trust it." Nico finished and sat down taking the canteen of water from water and drinking it.
     We were silent for a second. Python. We were up against Python.
     "Well that makes sense." Malcom concluded. "I still think we can go fourth with the plan but we must stay on our guard. We can't take on Python on our own. Our only goal is to rescue our campers." I agreed and Will and Nico nodded encouragingly.
      "So it's settled then. Let's not waste any time." And we began out climb up the mountain,

AN: Thanks for reading guys!! I really appreciate every one of you guys thanks for all the love and support!!!

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