Nightmares and Kisses.

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     Of course it's my fault. I'm not saying it isn't. I'm just saying that I was telling the truth. Why are you still mad at me? Ugh.
     After Will left I attempted at sleep again, but of course. Reba was here in the room the entire time. Logic? Never heard of her.
     "What do you mean!?" She screamed in her Aphrodite like voice. I wanted to punch her so hard right now.
     "I mean that..." I thought about playing dumb and nice, screw it I hate her. "You are a terrible person and that I don't know how someone like you ended up with someone like Will Solace."
     She narrowed her eyes in more of a disgusted view. She sneered. "I don't like you either, but guess what, I love Will. I will do anything to keep him happy and alive... I don't think you're gonna make him happy. Don't push me son of hades." Reba hit my head with the palm on her hand and walked out of the room. Wait sorry sashayed out of the room.
     What can a daughter of Aphrodite do? Scare me with a makeup brush? I could drag her to the depths of Tartarus if I wanted to. "You couldn't summon a wishbone without melting into a puddle of darkness, Di Angelo." Will's voice rung in my ears. Oh shut up Solace!
     Yep I'm going crazy. I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling. A puddle of darkness didn't seem so bad at the moment.
     A few minutes later Solace walked in. He went over the usual assessments.  "Everything all good
here? Need any water? Anything?"
I do not need any water. I looked at the box of cereal with discust. I was to tired to eat anyways. I shook my head. Solace turned around and turned the infirmary lights off.
     I somehow instantly found sleep, as early as it was. I guess I was just tired.
Mist swirled around me, all I could see was the fog like substance circling me like I was in the centre of a almost calm tornado.
     When the mist moved away I saw myself. I was in a memory. I looked around nine maybe eight. Bianca has her hand tightly gripped on my shoulder, people pushed by us, shoving us.
     The scene changed. We were in the lotus hotel. People buzzing around beside us. We looked almost happy.
     Again the scene shifted. Bianca was joining the hunters, all the pain I had felt in that moment hit me again. No. Bianca is gone now. I have to deal with that. She's not coming back.
     The scene shifted to that moment with Percy, when he told me about Bianca. She was dead. I couldn't do anything. This is a memory. She is dead. No matter how many times I told myself, it still hurt. I remembered the hatred I had felt... Hatred... Hatred...
     I saw Percy kissing Annabeth, I saw Percy walking down the streets of new Rome with Annabeth. I saw their wedding, I saw their children. The scenes no longer hurt me, not like they would have before. I had moved on now. Moved on... Moved on to what?
     I saw Will, no, no no no! I saw Reba, I saw them together. I saw them happy. I saw her kiss Will. Wake up.. Wake up! Why wasn't I awake!?
     I heard Cupid's voice. I was plunged in darkness again. "Love takes no side, son of hades."
     Wake up, wake up, wake up!!

     I looked behind me. Oh, it was just Reba, what was she doing outside her cabin?
     "Will... I need to talk to you." She looked like she'd been crying, her eyeliner and mascara was running and smudged. Her royal pink eyes were slightly bloodshot. Her usually perfectly curled hair was messy.
     "Oh my gods Reba.. Are you ok?" I ran my hand down her face. Her eyes started to tear up.
     The daughter of Aphrodite pulled me to a bench outside the infirmary.
     "What is it? Is everything okay?" I said in a soothing voice, I squeezed her hands in mine.
     "No... I heard what Nico Di Angelo was saying... Do you think that way about me!?" She cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her bronze skin sparkles in the dim light. I wiped her tears.
     "Of course not. I think that you are a beautiful, talented, strong, smart person, and I'm lucky to be your boyfriend." I responded.
     She smiled and grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed her back. It didn't last that long. I held her in a hug and kissed the top of her head. "I love you.."
     "I love you to."
     Reba stood up and walked back to her cabin. I decided to go to mine. Right after I checked the infirmary one last time.
     I walked into the infirmary. I couldn't make out the outlines of all the campers, faking, trying to or actually sleeping.
     Mellie was still here, her baby in a cradle that we, got some reason, had. She must be exhausted, I'd seen that little guy, he ain't no walk in the park. Well I guess that's how all baby's are. I looked at the other campers.
     Butch, Katie, Travis, Valentina... Nico. He was rolling over in his sleep, repeating the same mumbled phrase. "Wake up... Wake up... Wake up..."
     I shook his shoulder lightly, he sat up straight, we our heads collided. I backed up and held my forehead. Nico growled something I couldn't hear, then he looked up at me. The son of hades shot me a worried glance.
     "Oh my gods...  I'm so sorry." I whispered and found some ice, handing it to him.
     "It's f-fine. W-why did you wake me? Do you n-need something?" Nico whispered and put the ice to his head.
     "No. You were just taking in your sleep, it sounded like something was wrong, so I woke you up." I said softly rubbing my forehead one last time.
     "Oh, i'm fine." Di Angelo lied. I didn't press him though.
     "Is everything ok other then that? Do you need anything? You didn't eat super."
     The son of hades shook his head and lied back down. I sighed looking over at his sleeping form and left the infirmary for the night.

(AU; So, I know these chapters are kinda short, but I'm gonna try and do at least one every day? Sound good? How do you guys like the story? Is Reba a good character? What should I add?)

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