Quest part 1

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AN: I'm sorry my updating schedule is still weird, but at least I'm trying.


Butch, Malcom and Nico at my side, I was prepared for my first quest. I felt a bit worried, since Nico was our main fighter, I didn't want him to overuse his powers or take on too much to handle. Butch can fight but he mostly is what you'd call a peace maker, and spends most of his time in the stables. Malcom probably has some fighting skills, yet he takes a logical twist to everything and overthinks it. Me, personally, struggle with weaponry, maybe if I practiced and wasn't spending all my time in the infirmary I could totally kick as- I mean butt. Sorry mom.
I just don't want Nico to hurt himself. That's why I'm coming.. and of course to help out with any injuries anyone might have of course! Not just for Nico. I'm not biased. Plus I feel it's my duty to come as a child of Apollo. I mean the voice is looking for him for a reason. There should be a connection or something.
Butch brought us to the stables when we were ready. Nico offered to shadow travel us but there's no way in letting him do that. It'll be a while before Nico can properly shadow travel again, and even then he can't do it for long periods of time.
     Butch introduced us to the Pegasi, and instructed us how to get comfortable with them, of course this one one of the many activities at camp, but me personally have never had the chance to properly visit them. You kind of learn to respect them, beautiful creatures.
Malcom had researched the cave of Delphi and got to a reasonable estimate of the location of the cave. We were set.
We left camp traveling in the general estimated direction of the cave. Turns out it was a bit farther than expected.
After 4 hours the Pegasi were getting exhausted so we stopped in a forest to let them rest and regain their strength. Butch went to get some water for them and Malcom inspected his map.
I checked up on a protesting annoyed Nico. He was perfectly unharmed and alright, I needn't check over him, but I did. The trip so far had been smooth and we hadn't met any signs of danger yet. That's what started to bother me.
Butch came back with the water and we decided to break here for the night.


I didn't know oliver well. He was very distant from his siblings. But it felt like my duty as his head councillor to try and save him. Of course we need to get the other campers... I mean we could leave Reba... Nah. I'm kidding... unless.
The Pegasi were very helpful, but you can't overwork a living being, as magical as they are. It was good to get a break. I don't know if Will noticed but Malcom was looking like he was going to be sick, never thought of him as a motion sickness kind of guy. Oh well. Hopefully he's fit to travel in the morning. We want to try and get as far as we can as fast as we can.
"AHHHH!!!! G-guys!!! GUYS WAKE UP!!! Your rest is cut short!! Wake up!" Malcom yelled sounding terrified over the sounds of panicking Pegasi as I woke up and quickly fumbled to find my sword.
Will was holding Nico in his arms when they woke up alarmed quickly, I stood up to see what Malcom was talking about.
A 8 foot spider was looming over Malcom, it's large pincers snapping angrily at Malcom's wavy blond hair, and limbs as if trying to snap them off his body. Malcom was shaking in fear and dodging the spiders constant attacks.
I joined in and tried to slash at the spiders long hairy black legs. Nico joined on the other side. The spider started to realize it was being over powered. It clicked its pincers angrily and snapped at me. I bounced back as it turned to Nico and cut off one of its giant legs.
Will was staying back trying to calm the Pegasi down and prevent them from harm.
Nico let out a battle cry and cut open the spiders torso. The creature let out one last angry outraged clicking sound and fell against the ground dead.
Malcom took a moment to catch his breath and distance himself from the body. "R-right." He said. "If That one found us, others will in no time we need to keep moving."
Will nodded and looked at the spider nervously.
After a check over the map we mounted the Pegasi again and proceeded to fly off again.

AN: Hi! So hope you enjoyed this! It's a bit short but I promise next chapter more will happen. Thanks for reading!!!

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