OwO Cuties

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     A lot of what he told me I think I already knew, about his sister, about Percy Jackson.. you can't have a life here at camp without everyone knowing about it. It still was good that he said it.
     I'm glad he trusted me. I really wanted him to. Know how hard it must've been for him to say all that, to be honest, I'm really proud.
     We've been sitting on his dark coffin-like bed just sharing each other's body heat as I ran my fingers though his raven, greasy, messy hair.
     His thinner smaller body was curled up into mine his head buried into my shirt his hands tucked into his small form against his chest. 
     I had practically wrapped myself around him like a human blanket.
     After around 30 minutes of just the sound of me breathing and his crying turning into sobs, to sniffles then reduced to an occasional hiccup.
     "I'm going to kill her." I muttered and let my arm slip down his back and hold his waist.
     He removed his face from my yellow shirt and looked at me with his tired dark eyes.
     He stifled a laugh. "You wouldn't hurt a fly. Come to think of it, you'd find a fly that was hurt and nurse it back to health. Never mind it's going to die the next day, you'll help it anyways."
     I poked him and gave him an annoyed look. "Liar. I've killed monsters before." I said and rolled my eyes.
     "With What skill? You can hardly hold a sword and lets be honest, you're never going to master the bow." Nico laughed stubbornly.
     "Oh ha ha. I can use a sword, I'm no good, and I mostly just stay at camp. I'll admit, fighting is not my forte, but I've been in two wars, doctoring only gets you so far." I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him that way.
     "Yeah yeah. I know." He muttered and he flipped his body so my hands laid on his stomach.
     More silent, It might've been the doctor in me, but I found myself checking his heartbeat and breathing timing.
     I smiled down at him as he drifted off to sleep again.

AN: So that's just a short cute one for ya guys. Don't worry next chapter will be longer. I swear on the River Stix. Love ya xx (platonically of course)

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