Will will Kill owo

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     Something was up. Something was definitely up. Those bruises are not there by accident. 
     I closed the door. Did someone do something? I swear if someone hurt Nico, I will make it my bed to die on to see them burn in Tartarus.
Wow, I'm a savage.
Reba was looking at him weird... No Reba wouldn't do that. She was in a wheelchair, and plus I was watching her the entire time.
Unless... in the time I was looking for Nico... she went and found him before I could...
Okay now I'm just jumping to crazy conclusions. Nico probably just tripped... or something. Plus the bruises had already turned purple so they weren't new.
     Ugh. Why does everything have to be so complicated!!

🏳️‍🌈Third POV🏳️‍🌈
(I'm all over the place with this stuff 😂)

Nico sat down in his cabin again. He sighed and stared at his arm, resting his other hand on his sleeve.
     Should he tell Will? No. It would just  worry him. The last thing Will needs is more stress.
     Nico ran his hands though his dark raven hair and stood up. The son of hades walked over to his dresser, an old picture of Bianca sat there. What would Bianca think?
     Nico knew what he had to do now. So he ran gay into the shadowed wall and disappeared.

     Nico appeared in camp Jupiter. He hadn't been there for a while, not since before the war. Di Angelo instantly started to look for Hazel.
    Hazel Levesque was standing with Frank Zhang. I couldn't help but smile at the two, they were so perfect for each other in every single way it just killed me. Hazel with her cinnamon curly hair and wide golden eyes and frank with his chubby baby face. Gods, I better stop before I start squealing or something.
     Frank was giving orders to some campers. I waited a bit until they were done. Then Hazel noticed me.
     "Nico!!" She screamed and tackled me into a hug. Then she realized people were staring so she cleared her throat. "I mean. Di Angelo, Pluto ambassador, uh pleasure to see you." Hazel stepped back and held out her hand for me to shake.
     "Praetor Zhang." I said looking over at Frank. "Permission to speak to Centurion Levesque?" Frank nodded letting a small adorable smile slide though. I don't care thank Frank is all important and leaderly, he's still an adorable bean.
     I grabbed Hazel's wrist thinking about shadow travelling to her cabin, then I thought better of it, it's not that far of a walk and I don't want to pass out.
     I just walked to her cabin letting go of her wrist.
     Hazel seemed to think something was up. So she asked, "Nico, is everything all right?"
     I opened her door and looked around to make sure we were alone. Then I took a deep breath.
     I should tell her. She doesn't know. This'll be harder to explain when she doesn't know. Two words.
     "I...I'm.... g- I need to talk to you."
     I tried.
     Hazel looked so concerned. She sat me down on her bed. "Go on I'm here."
     I took another deep breath. "I feel like you're the only one I can talk to about this... So there's this girl-"
     Hazel cut me off with a gasp. "Oh my gods! You have a crush!!! It's Reyna isn't it! I knew it I keep telling her to go talk to you more often, but she's always got her duties and... sorry I'm rambling. Oh my gods Nico this is so great!!!!" She looked at me expectantly.
     I hesitated. "Reyna? You think I like Reyna? I do not like Reyna... Hazel.." I took her hands I closed my eyes and whispered. "I'm gay."
     I opened my eyes and Hazel hugged me. "It's okay. I will always support you... That's not what you came her to tell me though. Is it?"
     I shook my head. Then I pushed my hair back a bit to show my bruise.
     "There's this girl at my camp, that has been trying to make my life completely miserable, and I can't tell anyone. Now I'm telling you."

     Nico was gone. I couldn't find him anywhere. Okay something bad had really happened. Something had taken Nico. A monster? It had to be.
     Nico has been taken by a monster and I had to go find him.
     I rushed to Chiron to tell him.
     "Will. You are sure it's a monster?" He said in his calm tone.
     "Yes! I'm sure and he's been taken, we need to send out a search party. His life could be in danger!" I shouted.
     "Nico is a very strong and powerful Demigod. If he isn't here tomorrow then we'll send someone out." Chiron kept his cool.
     I was fuming, Nico could be in danger. I left the big house and charged into the Woods.

AN: Heyo guys! This chapter is late and I'm sooooo sorry. I said I would have it earlier. I will try and post more often if I can. But I got sick and then I was on the road. So it's a stupid excuse but I'm sorry. I love you guys and I'll try and post more. Sorry again

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