Leo is still dead. Oh look Nico Ain't!!

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It felt better being out to Hazel. I like knowing she's supporting me. Yep.
I didn't want to go back to camp. That was the last thing I wanted to do right now, but hazel had her centurion duties to do. I couldn't stay any longer.
I shadow traveled back to camp landing on a very confused Leo Valdez.
"Why hello there Nico. Can you not be on me right now. I'm straight, but I can change." Leo wiggles his eyebrows.

Third POV Now I guess.

Nico quickly got off him. "You're jokes are less and less amusing by the sec- WAIT LEO?!"
     Then Nico woke up. He was still at camp Jupiter, sleeping in Hazel's arms. This time Hazel was acting like the other sibling.
     Hazel smiled down at Nico. "You just dozed off. You can't stay much longer, sorry Nico, we hadn't really expected your arrival. You should go back to Camp Half Blood. Love you Big bro"
     Nico nodded and sat up and slipped away in Hazel's shadow.
The dream was starting to bother Nico. It had been a few months since Leo died but something was really off. Nico could no longer sense his death, as if he never died. Leo was dead, he had to be.
Nico had gotten distracted and walked right into Will Solace.
"OH MY GODS NICO! THANK APOLLO YOUR ALIVE!!" The sunny boy picked Nico up in a hug. "Never do that again, you hear me!?"
Then before Nico could explain himself Will started looking at Nico's bruises from before.
"It hasn't even been 24 hours Solace... I just went to check in Hazel back at camp Jupiter." Di Angelo muttered and pulled his arm away from Solace.
"I was worried sick Death boy!" Solace exclaimed.
"Then stop. You're wasting your worrying on me. Will, I'm just another kid at camp. I've been fine all my life without you so you can't just come up in here and claim me or some shit."
Will was slightly offended my Nick's sudden harshness. "Oh yeah sorry. I just don't want you getting hurt."
Nico Growls and pushes past Solace to his Cabin.
Will sighs and lets him go. There wasn't any point in chasing him, he guessed Nico needed some space.

AN: I'm not dead!!! So sorry that I haven't posted in like a month, but I'm applying for an art school and my auditions are next week so the stress is really kicking in. I've been trying to just focus on my art and getting my portfolio all set up for next week, so I couldn't really post. I've been also going through a lot in regards of my gender and I'm proud to say I'm now confident and happy being Genderfluid. Sorry this chapter is so short. Writers block is also a thing. Thank you guys so much for reading and sticking around though. I will try and post more and don't worry. There will be some Reba butt kicking. Love you guys platonically!!!!

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