I give you what you want.... Or not

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AN: Sorry it's been a while #Quarintine stress. But I've been reading all your comments (and I mean all) and I've started to realize... you really don't like Reba. And many of you have have given me wonderful ideas on how to destroy her. I appreciate all the comments and I hope this chapter makes you feel less dead inside. Because let's be honest, this virus is not doing us good.

🌺 Reba 🌺

     So I'm sitting in my room right? Plotting to break up an unhealthy relationship and save my boyfriend's life, when I hear a strange voice.
     "Come with me.." it hissed. Now I don't usually follow weird snakey demented voices, but I needed to get in my 3000 steps so why not.
     "Where?" I asked the voice, I was starting to feel pretty stupid, since there was no one awake at 11:34pm in the Aphrodite cabin... what we need our beauty sleep?
      "Outside you imb- Follow the sound of my voice..." it hissed rudely. I got out of bed, pulled a light coat on and went outside. It was mostly dark outside but I could make out the shapes of the cabins.
     "It's dark out here? Do you seriously expect me to walk around in this?" I whispered looking around for the source of the voice.
"Honestly it's not that bad. If you have a problem with it get a flashlight or something for fu- just follow me.." I truly was not appreciating this attitude I was getting from this voice, who do they think they are talking to me like that!?
     So anyways I followed the voice into the forest where I was completely blind. I tripped over like 18 branches and roots and I scraped my knee, twisted my ankle and broke a nail. And I couldn't imagine how bad my hair was, it's a good thing it was dark. I kept thinking I should go back. But every time I stopped the voice gave me so much sass. Like Honestly.
     Eventually I passed out or something maybe or fell down a hole, anyways when I woke up I felt like my skin was going to burn off. When I looked around I saw I was in a cage, like an animal, next to a very... very deep cliff. I couldn't see anything. And the heat was unbearable! I had no memory of how I got here, but it was so unpleasant.


     "Bring me Apollo or they die."
     Now. A little clarification could be helpful. This voice rang through the entire camp. My first impression was a god that was gurgling gravel trying to hiss. But that is a bit strange, even for the weirdest deities.
     Everyone started to panic, there's a lot of weird stuff that happens at camp, but random snake like voices demanding for a god that no one can find or death... well that's extra weird.
     The Athena kids where panicking by trying to figure out what this voice was, who was going to die, and why it needed Apollo.
     Malcom Pace was rabidly coming up with new ideas, each seeming more unlikely (yet possible) as he went on.
     The Apollo cabin was worst off my far, we tend to take pride in our father and we aren't really ready to give him up.. but we were mostly concerned on why the voice wanted him.
     Chiron was trying to calm everyone down and try and offer logical explanations. Yet no one was listening to him.
     After 10 minutes of this chaos, Lacy from Aphrodite cabin shrieked, "Where is Reba?!" Instantly panic rose immensely, and other cabins were also noticing missing campers, including Oliver.  I started to get more worried, feeling protective over the boy as his therapist. The voice must've somehow taken these campers away, somehow, and it was using the captured campers as bait. To get to Apollo.
      After an hour the camp started to calm down and people tried strategizing on ways to get the campers back, clearly getting Apollo wasn't an option, if we could find him or not, we can't just give a god to someone.
     "Bring him to me, in 10 days time, at the cave of Delphi and your campers shall be freed unharmed, fail to do so and they shall be tossed in the pit."  Basically we panicked again, but recovered quicker and Chiron organized a meeting with the cabin leaders.


     Great, exactly what we need when we just found out that Leo Valdez could be alive and Apollo was missing, now our campers have been taken hostage. Of course the kidnapper is demanding the one thing no one can find, and in just over a week that is.
     The councillors remained silent for 10 minutes before anyone said anything.
      Surprisingly it was Butch from iris cabin who spoke up first. "We need to send a rescue quest, as soon as possible." I could understand that he was upset, his youngest cabin mate had been taken.
     Other councillors agreed, but Malcom from Athens cabin and objected, "We have no knowledge on what we are up against. When we get there it could kill them before we have the chance. It could be watching us. As I said we have no idea."
      Will interjected, "If we do nothing they get thrown into Tartarus! Even if it's just a small chance we get to save them we have to try!"
     "That could be suicide! We could be walking in on a battle we have no idea how to fight!" Malcom continues slamming his hands on the table.
     Drew, who was filling in for Piper while she visited her dad, intervened supporting Malcom, "Even If we try, as Malcom said its complete suicide."
     Butch spoke again, "I'd rather die knowing I tried to save innocent lives then do nothing at all!"
     "It's a mission bound to fail!" Malcom yelled over him.
     "These people are not just my campers but my patients, it is my duty to make sure they are safe and well! I will not let them die!" Will yelled back.
    There was a moment of silence.
    "I'll go." I said.
     "No nico, we can't let you risk your life like that." Malcom said.
     "We just go in, get the kids, and get out,  if things go wrong and it's too much for me to handle, I'll shadow travel away." I told him ignoring the glare from Will, "You will do no such thing Di Angelo, the more you you your powers the more prone y-"
     Butch cut him off, "I'll go too. I want to help the best I can, and we can take the Pegasi. We won't launch an attach, try and go unnoticed."
     "Fine if you two are going I'll come too... if anyone needs healing and to make sure you don't make any rash decisions, talking to you Neeks."
     Chiron sighed, "I'm gravely sorry you have to do this, but I thank you for, volunteering, are you sure you want to do this?"
     "I'll come too," said Malcom pace, "I know we will have more than three people, but no offence, I'm the best  strategist in this room. If we are biting off more than we can chew, I'll know."
     "Anymore volunteers?" Chiron asked. When he was answered with silence he cleared his throat.
     "Thank you boys, you leave at dawn. Goodluck."

AN: I apologize for updating late but I tried to make this chapter longer in apology, thank you all for your comments I love reading them! But yay we have an idea, I know it's not very accurate or makes a lot of sense, but it's all for fun. Thanks for reading!

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