There ya go, satisfied yet?

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The following chapter consists of my gatherings from footage rather then from Will himself, as he is currently unresponsive at this time.

📷Security footage📷

Will walked towards the Aphrodite cabin, he stopped right in front of the door for a second, he seems to have heard something.

🎙Audio footage🎙

We can hear Will approach the- you know what, Sorry readers I'm just gonna get a Hephaestus cabin to help me out with this, one second.

🎙Security/Audio footage 📷

Will walked up to the Aphrodite cabin, he stopped right before the door as he heard voices coming from inside.
"-But I don't want him to know! That would completely ruin everything for us!" A voice from inside said.
"This is giving you to much stress, so break off with one of em, if you ain't telling them. You can't keep this up Reba." A calmer, quieter voice spoke.
"No Drew! I've committed! I'm not j-... Piper McLean said to stop breaking people's hearts, I liked that idea, but depending on what I do I could break Emery's and Will's... I don't want that."
"Reba! What has gotten into you!! Not even a month ago you were all about manipulating Will, now you've gone puppy eyes for him? Are you saying that you love this boy?"
"Yes!! Then he left for not even that long and I just... I fucked up and I shouldn't have done it, but I did and Emery is trying to help out so I can't break it off with him... But I can't break up with Will I love him!"
"But that's Emery's kid right?"
There was a silence in the room where practically anything could have happened. Will's face was unreadable, no emotion displayed on it.
"Right," Drew started again, "so you have to break up with Will then, or get an abortion."
"I can't-." Reba just breaks down crying and sobbing.
Will clenches his fists, his only sign of emotion this entire time.
"Alright then, I'll break the news to Solace." Drew sighed, followed by silence and the door opened inward and Drew's face comes in view of the security camera, and Will.
"Solace! Uh hi? Did you perhaps... yeah okay... Reba's in there you can go talk to her." Drew pushed by Will and walked off to So her own thing.

-Unfortunately I can't get cameras in the cabins for like 'privacy reasons' so I've positioned one outside the window, so the angles are off and we still miss a bit but it's the best I can do.-

Will walked into the cabin. He walked up to Reba, still sobbing and took a deep breath.
"Why? Did you think I wasn't coming back? Reba, we swore we would never do that... you broke your oath. You-." Will broke off and he covered his eyes. "Reba I thought I loved you.. I do love you.. but I can't do this. If..." Will trailed off again.
"It's not my fault I promise you! I wasn't understanding what was happening! I can't just..." Reba sputtered.
"Reba, I'm doing it before you can. I'm breaking up with you." The son of Apollo couldn't hide the tears running down his face. "I fucking love you... but if you don't love me back... I can't do this with you Reba."
"Oh you think I'm gonna let you get away with breaking up with me? No I'm breaking up with you. And guess what. I don't love you." Reba took a sharp turn down, wellfuckthis alley.
"Well thanks I no longer regret my choice!" Solace yelled still crying and he ran out of the cabin.

-Ha I found a way to hack into the camps cameras, thank you Connor!-

📷Green Camera 3📷

Will runs into the infirmary, even in the darkness his mop of curly blond hair is very very visible, like it's s neon sign or something.
And he disappears into the infirmary.

📷Infirmary Camera 1📷

Will pushed open a supply closet in the infirmary and hides in there to cry.
-I really shouldn't be invading his personal space like this... oh here comes Nico!-
     Nico walked into the infirmary and looked around.
     "Will?" The son of hades ran his pale fingers through his jet black hair. "You in here Will? Everyone's looking for ya... Everything okay?" Di Angelo looked around the room before he heard the quiet sobbing from the supply closet.
     Nico walked over to it and opened the doors. "Hey, okay we ain't doing this in the closet, so come on out."
Will looked up at him and wiped his eyes. "H-hey Nico..."
     "Before we start talking or anything, just come out of the closet, I don't care what happened, you know I'll respect you, but you're gonna need to come out." Nico said, then his face reddened, "I-I don't m-mean like that. I mean the supply closet you ar- you get what I mean."
     Will actually cracked a smile and stood up, out of the closet, and wiped his eyes. "It's nothing to worry about, i-i-i-I'll g-get ov-er over it."
     "Solace you were just crying alone in a supply closet. Spill." Nico grabbed Will and sat in down on a hospital bed.
     Will sighed took a large breath and started to speak but broke down crying again.
     Nico looked at him sympathetically and patted his back. "It's okay.. you didn't do any wrong."
     "I-I-I br-broke u-up up with Re-ba." Will sobbed.
     "Why?" Nico said with a tone like he knew exactly why.
     "Sh-she g-got pregnant wit-h-with someone else's bab-y-child and I-I c-couldn't cop-cope with that... th-then sh-e sai-said she didn't l-love me. All of this shit I don't understand." Will blurted out, years still falling down his face.
     "Hate to break it to you, but I saw it coming." Nico said with a smirk.

-Honestly at this point I lost focus of what was really happening cause I was squealing and fangirling like crazy so I might have missed this part-

AN: Trying to post enough, Hope this works, thanks for reading.

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